
Longdi Chen Professor
发布时间: 2015-03-06


Longdi Chen Professor

  LD ChengPh D in EngineeringProf. of Textile Science & TechnologyPh D SupervisorDeputy Director of The Key Lab of Textile Science & Technology Ministry of EducationHold appointmentsThe Industry Evaluation Judging Panel of National 863 ProjectsThe Committee Member of Cotton Textiles of CTESThe Technological Committee Member of Cotton Textile & Knitting Industry Association of CNTACThe Technological Committee Member of CTPICThe Technological Committee Member of TGCCeditorial board ofTextile Standard & Quality》《Handbook of Cotton Spinning》;The Judging Panel of The Projects of Enterprise Innovation FundTechnology ConversionTechnology Hatching Base of STCSMThe Technology Consultant of ZJCTADeputy Director of Donghua University of CNDCA

Main Directions

  1. Study the Fine Processing Technology in Natural Fibers
  2. Study the Spinning Technology & their Key Components
  3. Develop the Newly Textile Products
  4. Research the Key Machinery & Components for Textile Engineering
  5. Research the Textiles Detection Technique & Devices

Main Projects

  1. The Key Project of Seventh Five Plan of National Plan Committee “Industry Project of 10,000 Spindles Test of Cotton Spinning”
  2. The Newly Product Development Project of Eighth Five Plan of CTIM “Development of Blowing & Carding technology and their Machinery”
  3. The Scientific Research for Tackling of Ninth Five Plan of National MOST “Study the Finer Polyester Processing Technology & their Products Blended with Ramie Fiber”
  4. The Tenth Five Technological Innovation Project of State Economic and Trade Commission “Optimization the Structure of Worst yarnCompact Spinning“Develop the Machine for Detecting the Foreign Matter in Cotton Fiber”
  5. The Tenth Five Technological Tackling Project of MOST “Study the Newly Dying & Finishing and Textile Technology in Soy-bean Fiber”
  6. The Project of National Ministry of Commence “Ethiopia National Textile Strategic Planning”
  7. The Tenth Five Technological Tackling Project of STCSM “Study of the safety protectionclothing for patrol police”“Develop the Fabrics public service system and their Application”
  8. The Eleventh Five Technological Supporting Project of MOST “The Key Technology of Textile Process of Bamboo Pulp Fiber”“The Key Technology of Textile Process of Jute Fiber”
  9. Projects of China Textile and Apparel PressHandbook of Cotton Spinning》(3rd Edition)、《Encyclopedia Dictionary of Textile
  10. Project of NSFC “Theoretical Study of Air Jet Spinning of Nonlinear Gyro Rotation Flow based on Fluid Simulation”

More then 30 National and Ministry Projectsetc.

Main Periodical Thesis

  1. Blending Fineness Ratio of Fibers for Spinning Fine Denier Fibers Journal of China Textile University 20001
  2. Turbulent Flow Action of Pulp in Wet-laid Non Woven Processes Journal of China Textile University20003
  3. Optimization of spinning technique of SolospunTextile Science and Research (in Chinese)20021
  4. Properties of Ceramic Fiber and Ceramic Shot in Wet-laid Processes, Journal of Donghua University20023
  5. Ceramic Wet-laid Non woven and Its CompositeJournal of Donghua University20024
  6. A Preliminary Exploration of Compact Spinning with Pneumatic GrooveShanghai Textile Technology (in Chinese)20042
  7. Relation Between Twist Amplitude and Breaking Strength of Solospun Yarns, Textile Research Journal, 74(4)
  8. Moisture Absorption & Moisture Conductivity of Functional Polymer Fiber and Its Products, Cotton Textile Technology, 2004/1
  9. Relationship Between Hairiness and the Twisting Principles of Solospun and Ring Spun YarnsTextile Research JournalSeptember 2004
  10. Yarn Regularity Tester Combined Capacitor with CCD83rd Textile-Institute World Conference, May 23-27, 2004, Shanghai, P.R.China
  11. Study on the Physical Performance of Richcel, Cotton Textile Technology, 2005/1
  12. Intelligent Diagnosis System Based on Evenness DeviceTextile Standard and Quality (in Chinese)2005/4
  13. Simulation of fluid velocity field in Compact Spinning TechnologyJournal of Qingdao University (in Chinese)2005/12
  14. Intelligent Specialist Analysis System in Evenness DeviceTextile Leader (in Chinese)2006/1
  15. Microwave Technology used in Modern Textile IndustryTextile Leader (in Chinese)20064
  16. Research the technology of knitting Yarn Setting Using Electromagnetic WaveTextile Standard and Quality (in Chinese)20062
  17. Study the Principle and Analysis of Waxing Device on winding processJournal of Textile20071
  18. Research the Method for Detection the Yarn Moisture Regain in Fixed length with NMRTextile Standard and Quality (in Chinese)20072
  19. Study the Principle and Structure of Air Jet Vortex Spinning YarnShanghai Textile Technology (in Chinese)20077
  20. Simulation study of three dimensional flow field inside the nozzle block of jet-vortex spinning, ALTEX’2007 Global Networking on Textile Innovation and Exchange, Roubaix, France
  21. Study the Method for Detection the Twist of Air Jet Vortex Spinning YarnTextile Standard and Quality (in Chinese)20075
  22. Study on the Structure and Properties of Polynosic Treated by AlcaliJournal of Donghua University20073
  23. Optimization the Air Jet Vortex Spinning TechnologyShanghai Textile Technology (in Chinese)200711
  24. Study the Relationship between the Properties and Structures of Air Jet Vortex Spinning YarnTextile Standard and Quality (in Chinese)20076
  25. Numerical Study of 3-D Fluid Field Inside the Nozzle in Air Jet Vortex SpinningJournal of Textile (in Chinese)20082. 292
  26. Study the Designing Principle and its Production of Parallel Plied YarnTextile Standard and Quality (in Chinese)20081
  27. Numerical Calculation the Influence of the technology and Fluid Field in Air Jet Vortex SpinningJournal of Textile (in Chinese)20084
  28. Prediction the Yarn Quality Based on Support Vector MachineJournal of Textile (in Chinese)20084
  29. Evaluation the Influence Action between Rotating Fluid & Twist Strength in Air Jet Vortex SpinningJournal of Textile (in Chinese)20085
  30. Relation mechanism of Vortex spun yarnMelliand International20085(No.2)
  31. Study on the Principle of thinner in Air Jet Vortex Spinning YarnJournal of Textile (in Chinese)20087
  32. Analysis the Principle of Stress Relaxation of Air Jet Vortex Spinning Yarn in Natural Colored CottonJournal of Textile (in Chinese)20088
  33. Study the Space Trajectory of fiber in Air Jet Vortex SpinningJournal of Textile (in Chinese)200810
  34. Influence of Process Parameters on Airflow Field inside the Nozzle Block of Murata Vortex Spinning1st International Symposium of Textile Bioengineering and InformaticsHong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA, AUG 14-16, 2008
  35. A Study of the Twisted Strength of the Whirled Airflow in Murata Vortex SpinningTextile Research Journal, January. 200878(8)
  36. A Study of Generating Yarn Thin Places of Murata Vortex Spinning, Textile Research Journal, January. 200979 (1)
  37. Develop the Diagnosis and Detection of Roller Vibration Based on VIShanghai Textile Technology (in Chinese)20092.

More Then 140 periodical thesis have been published in which more than 20 have been embodied by SCIEIISTP.

Main Patents

  1. An apparatus for compact spinning in ring spunPatent NumberZL00135183.4);
  2. An apparatus for drafted fiber stand divided in ring spunPatent NumberZL00265488.1);
  3. An roller compacting device used in ring spunPatent NumberZL02200281.2);
  4. An compound twister used in air jet vortex spunPatent NumberZL02112467.1);
  5. An apparatus for fiber strand condensing with pneumatic groovePatent NumberZL02112468.X);
  6. An apparatus for fiber strand condensing with perforated leather apronPatent NumberZL03116466.8);
  7. A kind of method for the yarn composed with multi fibers and its systemPatent NumberZL03129518.5);
  8. A kind of new method detecting fabric wet permeability and its systemPatent NumberZL200310109508.7);
  9. A newly fluid uniform diffuserPatent NumberZL200410017777.5);
  10. A kind of new apparatus detecting the count and wet permeability of the yarn composed with multi fibersPatent NumberZL200410084667.0);
  11. A special mechanical vertical twister for filament uniform detectingPatent NumberZL200510026113.X);
  12. An apparatus for changing the properties of the yarnPatent NumberZL200510029610.5);
  13. A twist apparatus for plied yarn in winding process and its methodPatent NumberZL200610025830.5);

More than 40 patents have been applied in which more than 25 have been authorized.

International Exchange

Visited CSIROAustralia in 2000

Research Project of the Ethiopia in 2002

Visited Republic of Korea in 2003


Office: 5025

Tel: +86-021-67792689

Email: [email protected]