Lan Xiao
Office: 5029
Tel: +86-021-67792795
Email: [email protected]
Education & Work Experience:
- Master, Economics(2001);PhD, Business Administration (2012)
- 2003 - Present, Textile Economy &Trade Dept., Textile College.
Current Research Areas:
- Theoretical research on Industrial Economy, Technical Economy and Innovation Management;
- Application analysis of traditional & emerging fiber & textile industries.
Research Projects within 5 years:
- “Case Studies of China’s Native T&C Brands Innovative Growth”. Supported by Shanghai Education Commission, 2014(PI)
- “Reindustrialization in the textile field in the U.S. and its influences”. Supported by the Additive Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Donghua University, 2014(PI)
- “Paradox of Industrial Upgrading: Re-examination of Chinese Carbon Fiber Industry’s Development”. Supported by the Additive Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Donghua University, 2011(PI)
- “Study on the Inner Mechanism and Outer Driving Factors of the Convergence of Creative Industries and Traditional Industries: In case of T&C Enterprises”. Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Donghua University, 2009( PI )
- Some other researches supported by enterprises.
Selected Papers and Publications:
- “Analysis of System Dynamics on Private Enterprise’s Overseas M&A”, Proceedings of 2009 Conference on Systems Science, Management Science & System Dynamics. (2009): 259-263.
- “Analysis on Opportunities and Risks of Overseas M&A of China’s Medium and Small-sized Enterprise”, Proceedings of the 10th West Lake International Conference on Small & Medium Business (2008): 565-568.
- Modern Textile Economy and International Trade. China Textile Press, 2008.first subeditor.
International Cooperation:
- 1998.4-2001.3 Study in Japan
- 2006.4-2007.3 Work in Japan(CIR)