Wenliang Xue Associate Professor
Tel: +86-021-67792689
Office: College of Textile 5025
Email: [email protected]
Education/Work Experience:
Wen-Liang Xue, born in September 1979, associate professor of Textile Science and Engineering. Devoted to research on the key technology in textile processing and product development, and have broad cooperation and exchange with domestic and foreign textile enterprises; with the transformation of Shanghai textile industry, focus on issues such as the technical barriers in textile international trade, brand strategies and distribution channels in domestic textile market in recent years; maintain good cooperative relationship with some textile industry duster in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Shandong Province.
Research Areas:
1. Key Technology in Textile Processing
2. Textile Inspection and Quality Evaluation
3. Textile Trade and Textile Industry Economics
1. “Super-high-count cotton fabric’s key processing technology and industrialization”: Second Prize of State Scientific and Technological Progress in 2008
2. “Research on safety evaluation systems、recall mechanism and key technical indicators of textile goods”: Second Prize of Aqsiq Scientific and Technological Award in 2011
3. “Key technology of high performance air-jet loom”: Second Prize of China Machinery Industry Federation Scientific and Technological Award in 2013
4. “Theory of carbon footprint in textile manufacturing and its empirical research”: Third Prize of China National Textile and Apparel Council Scientific and Technological Award in 2014
- Key processing technology in textile printing and dyeing of refine jute fibers, supported by China’s 11th five-year plan
- Key processing technology in textile printing and dyeing of bamboo pulp fiber, supported by China’s 11th five-year plan
- Theoretical research on air jet vortex spinning based on flow field simulation, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China
- Research on textile safety mechanism and classification system based on functional model, supported by Aqsiq
- Mechanism of new and high efficiency ring spinning technology based, supported by Shanghai Natural Science Fund
- Study on phthalate’s physical samples and its migration law in textile, supported by Shanghai TBT special project
- Key technology in high-performance air-jet loom, supported by Shanghai Science and Technology Commission
- Development and application of Shanghai fabric public service platform, supported by Shanghai Science and Technology Commission
- Development and application of Xinjiang cotton industry public service platform, supported by the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Science and Technology Department
- Projects demanding breakthrough and focusing in key field of Guangdong and Hong Kong, supported by Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Department
- Key processing technology in new spinning method and product development, supported by company
- New fabric product development and its key processing technology, supported by company
- Development of yarn quality management system based on data mining, supported by company
- Textile goods’ risk warning and management, supported by company
- Textile end market and brand planning, supported by company
- Wen-Liang Xue, Long-Di Cheng, Xiu-Li Gao. Comparative analysis of triangle hollow fiber and round hollow fiber. Chemical Fiber International, 2010,2:92-94.
- XUE Wen-liang, CHEN Guo-zhen, CHEN Ge, ZHU Zhang-chen, CHENG Long-di. Dynamic Analysis of Four-Bar Beating-up Mechanism with Joint Clearance. Journal of Donghua University, 2010, 4:559-565.
- WEI Meng-yuan,XUE Wen-liang, LU Wei-min,CHEN Ge,ZHU Zhang-chen. Air Velocity Fluctuation in Reed Groove of Air-Jet Loom. Journal of Donghua University,2011,2:179-185.(corresponding author)
- XUE Wen-liang, WEI Meng-yuan, LU Wei-min, QIAN Jing-fang, CHENG Long-di. Mathematical Characterization of Twisted Yarn. Journal of Donghua University,2011,3:46-48.
- XUE Wen-liang,WEI Meng-yuan,WANG Yan,CHENG Long-diZHANG Rui-yin. Comparison of Flow Field Distribution and Characteristic on Different Compact Spinning Systems. Journal of Donghua University,2011,3:100-108.
- Wen-liang Xue, Yong-qian Wu, Yuan Chen, Long-di Cheng, Meng-yuan Wei. Property and Spinnability of Polysulfonamide Fiber. Chemical Fiber International,2011,3:140-144.
- XUE Wen-liang,WEI Meng-yuan, CHENG Long-di,QIAN Jing-fang. Additional Twists of Yam Produced by System of Compact Spinning with Lattice Apron. Journal of Donghua University,2011,5:508-511.
- ZHANG Rui-yin,WEI Meng-yuan,XUE Jian-chang,XUE Wen-liang. Application of Tencel on Raschel Blanket. Journal of Donghua University,2011,6:629-631(corresponding author)
- Wen-Liang Xue, Yong-Qian Wu, Yuan Chen, Long-Di Cheng, Meng-Yuan Wei. Structure and Property of PSA yarn. Chemical Fibers International, 2012, 1: 26-29.
- WEI Meng- yuan,XUE Wen- liang,LU Wei- min,MA Jie,CHEN Zhi- fei. Comparison and Analysis of Fabric Deodorization Test Methods. Journal of Donghua University (English Edition),2012,3:268-271.(corresponding author)
- Wenliang Xue, Mengyuan Wei, Ni Zhang, Longdi Cheng. Numerical simulation on the condensing effect of suction slot in compact spinning with lattice apron. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2012, 10 (103):1116-1126 .
- Xue Wen-Liang, Wei Meng-Yuan, Lu Wei-Min. Comparison of physical and chemical properties between polysulfonamide and aramid. Chemical Fibers International, 2013, 2: 91-93.
- Chenchen Han, Mengyuan Wei, Wenliang Xue, Longdi Cheng. Numerical Simulation of Fiber Strands on Condensing Effect of Suction Slot in Compact Spinning with Lattice Apron. Fibers and Polymers,2014, 5:1084-1091.(corresponding author)
- XUE Wen-liang,HU Xiang-yuan,WEI Meng-yuan,Ma Zhe-yuan,QIAN Jing-fang. Quantitative Risk Assessment with Data Mining for Formaldehyde Content of Imported Textile. Journal of Donghua University,2014,4:56-59.
- Wen-Liang Xue, Jia-Xin Zang, Meng-Yuan Wei, Fang Liu. Migration laws of phthalate plasticizers in PVC fiber. Chemical Fibers International, 2014,4:137-138.