Name:Qin xiaohong
Tel: +86-21-67792702
Email:[email protected]
- 2006 Postdoctoral in Textile and Clothing,Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- 2001-2005 PH.D. in Textile Material, Donghua University(Continuous academic program combining master’s and doctoral study)
- 2004 Doctoral study at Technique University of Liberec in Czech Repubic
- 1995-1999 B.S. in Textile Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Science and Technology
work experience
- 2012- Professor, Donghua University; Courses taught: Polymer Physics, Textile Materials, New Textile Yarns;Advisor to 15 master’s candidates and 6 undergraduate students;Advisor to 8 doctoral candidates
- 2010-2011 Visiting Scholar, Cornell University
- 2006 Postdoctoral researcher, Hongkong Polytechnic University
Researching Field
Textile Material
- 2013 Host the National Natural Science Foundation of China four times
- 2013 Guiding students won two national college innovation and entrepreneurship projects, three times the Shanghai Innovation Project
- 2012 “Shuangchuang” Talents in Jiangsu Province
- 2011 Editor of National Eleventh Five-Year Plan won the Shanghai Science and Technology textbook publishing monographs Fund
- 2011 “Shu Guang” Scholar, The Education Committee of Shanghai
- 2010 New Century Excellent Talents in University. Ministry of Education
- 2009 Rising-Star Talents , Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology
- 2008 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of P.R. China Award,Ministry of Education
- 2007 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award of Shanghai,The Education Committee of Shanghai
- 2007 Excellent Young Teacher Award, Donghua University
Researching Project within five years
Principle Investigator:
- 2014-2017: Principle Investigator sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC 51373033): Under MVS-oriented evolution of micro and nano fibers into yarn and mechanism-based
- 2012-2015 Principle Investigator sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC 11172064):Research on Taylor cone mechanism of large-scale preparation of micro electro-spun nanofibers
- 2010-2012: Principle Investigator sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC):Basic research on forming process of electrospinningnanofibers based on different parameters
Establishing the scaling model on the relationship between radius r of jet and the axial distance z from nozzle to the end of single nanofiber on conditions of different process parameters
Evaluating and modifying the above model through different experiments
- 2009-2013: Principle Investigator sponsored by theFoundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of P.R. China:Mathematical model,computer simulationand application of electrospinningnanofibers based on different nozzle structure (needle nozzle and needless nozzle)
Designing different kinds of nozzles(including needle nozzle and need-less nozzle)
Building spinning model based on different nozzles
Simulating the process of electrospinning jets and nanofiber
Exploring applications of nanofibers(in clothing materials and filtration filters)
- 2008-2010: Principle Investigator sponsored by the Shanghai Committee of Sience and Technology: Mechanism for filtration of electrospinningnanofibers mats
Fabricated big size nanofiber mats
Investigated the mechanism of PVA nanofiber mats
- 2006-2008: Principle Investigator sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC):Dynamic model for the electrospinningnanofibers based on effect of surface charge
Studied the theory of thereciprocity among fibers, surface charges and electrical fields based on Boltzmanchorology
Built the relationship among liquid surface charges,liquiddensity,surface tension and velocity of flow
Simulated fiber path
Doctoral Research in College of Textiles, Donghua University: Study on the mechanism of electrospinningPAN & PVA nanofibers and spray head device
Fabricated and investigated structure PAN and PVA nanofibers non-woven membranes and investigated the structure and property of them
Investigated the conductance of solution
Studied the effect of surface charge on electrospinning by adding LiCl, analyzed the theoretical relationship between radius r of jet and the axial distance z from nozzle
Investigated a new experimental spray head to improve nanofiber production rate
Studied the filtration properties of electrospinningnanofibers
Papers & Patents within five years
1. X.H. Qin, S.Y. Wang, et. al. Effect of LiCl on Electrospinning by PAN Polymer Solution: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Verification. Polymer. 2004,45,6409
2. X.H. Qin, S.Y. Wang, et. al. Effect of LiCl on the Stabile Length of Electrospinning Jet by PAN Polymer Solution. Materials Letters.2005,59, 3102
3. X.H. Qin, S.Y. Wang, Filtration Properties of Electrospinning Nanofibers. Journalof Applied Polymer Science. 2006,102,1285
4. X.H. Qin, E.Y., L.Ni , S.Y. Wang. Effect of Different Salts on Electrospinning of Polyacrlonitrile Solution. Journal of Applied Polymer Science.2007,103,3865
5. X.H. Qin, S.Y. Wang, Electrospun nanofibers from crosslinked poly(vinyl alcohol) and its filtration efficiency. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2008,109,951-956
6. X.H. Qin, S.Y. Wang, Interior structure of polyacrylonitrile(PAN) nanofibers with LiCl. Materials Letters.2008,62, 1325
7. X.H. Qin,Structure and property of electrospinning PAN nanofibers by different preoxidation temperature,Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.2010,2,571
8. E.L.Yang, X.H. Qin*, S.Y. Wang. Electrospuncrosslinked polyvinyl alcohol membrane. Materials Letters.2008,62, 3555-3557
9. N.Li, X.H. Qin*, S.Y. Wang. Effect on instability section of PVA electrospinning nanofibers by adding LiCl. Materials Letters.2008,62, 1345-1348
10. H.J. Wu, J.T. Fan,X.H. Qin, et al. Thermal radiative properties of electrospun superfine fibrous PVA films. Materials Letters.2008,62, 828-831
11. J. Zhang, S.Y. Wang, X.H. Qin. Properties of core-and-effect air textured yarns blended by diacetate and polyester filaments. Fibers and Polymer,2007,8(1),84-88
12. X.H. Qin,E.L.Yang, S.Y. Wang. Electrospinning:CarbonNanofibers from Polyacrylonitrile(PAN) by Carbonization.Chemical Fiber International.2006,6,370
13. X.H. Qin, S.Y. Wang. Structure of PAN Nanofibers with LiCl by Electrospinning.Chemical Fiber International.2007,1,53
14. X.H. Qin,Structure comparison between PVA nonwovens and crosslinked PVA nonwovens by electrospinning, Chemical Fiber International.2008,58(2),127-129
15. X.H. Qin,Zhang, Jing,Wang, Xin-Wei;Wang, Shan-Yuan,Porous PAN nonwoven fabricated by electrospinning, Chemical Fiber International.2007,57(5), 282-283
16. N.Li, X.H. Qin*, S.Y. Wang.Study on Electrospinning Silk Fibroin Solution. Journal of DonghuaUniversity,English Edition.2007,24(3),347
17. X.H. Qin, S.Y. Wang. The Mechanisms of PANElectrospinningNanofibers Based on the Effect of Surface Charges. The 7th IEEE international conference on nanotechnology.Hongkong.- IEEE-NANO 2007, Proceedings, 2007, p 489-493
18. X.H. Qin, S.Y. Wang. Diameter Varieties of ElectrospinningNanofibersEffected by the Contents of LiCl. The textile institute 83rd world conference.Shanghai.China. 2004.5.
19. X.H. Qin, S.Y. Wang. Effect of Solution Conductivity on Electrospinning Jet. ICAFPM .Shanghai.China. 2005.10
20. X.H. Qin, S.Y. Wang. Effect of carbonization temperature on the structure of electrospinning carbon nanofibers. International Conference on Advanced Fibers and Polymer Materials, Shanghai, china. 2007,10, 934-937
21. X.H. Qin, S.Y. Wang. The Study on The PAN ElectrospinningNanofibers Based on the Effect of SurfaceCharges.ICCE-14. BoulderColorado, USA. July 2-8, 2006.
22. X.H. Qin, L.L.Gao, D.P. Xin, J.T. Fan;The Study on the Air Content of ElectrospunNanofiber Nonwoven Fabric. The Fiber Society 2009 Spring Conference. 5: 17-21,2009
23. X.H. Qin, and D. P. Xin . "The Study on the Air Volume Fraction of ElectrospunNanofiber Nonwoven Mats." Fibers and Polymers. 2010.11(4): 632-637.
24. X.H. Qin, "Structure and property of electrospinning PAN nanofibers by different preoxidation temperature." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.2010. 99(2): 571-575.
25. X.H. Qin, "Structure and Property of Electrospun PAN Nanofibers by Different Pre-oxidated Heating Rates." Journal of Industrial Textiles .2011.41(1): 57-69.
26. X.H. Qin, L. Jia, et al. . "Stretching of the steady jet in electrospinning: theoretical analysis and experimental verification." Textile Research Journal .2011.81(4): 388-397.
27. X.H. Qin, and D. Q. Wu "Effect of different solvents on poly(caprolactone) (PCL) electrospun nonwoven membranes." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry2012: 1-7.
28.X.H. Qin, et al. (2013). "Dual functions of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA): fabricating particles and electrospinningnanofibers applied in controlled drug release." Journal of Nanoparticle Research 15(1): 1395 (1314 pp.)-1395 (1314 pp.).
29.Wu, S.-H. andX.H. Qin, (2013). "Uniaxially aligned polyacrylonitrilenanofiber yarns prepared by a novel modified electrospinning method." Materials Letters 106: 204-207.
30.X.H. Qin,et al. (2013). "Investigation on structure and thermal properties of electrospun cellulose diacetatenanofibers." Journal of Industrial Textiles 42(3): 244-255.
31.X.H. Qin, et al. (2013). "Characterization of poly (vinyl alcohol) nanofiber mats cross-linked with glutaraldehyde." Journal of Industrial Textiles 43(1): 34-44.
32.Jiang, G., X.H. Qin, et al. (2013). "High throughput of quality nanofibers via one stepped pyramid-shaped spinneret." Materials Letters 106: 56-58.
33.Jia, L. and X.H. Qin,(2013). "The effect of different surfactants on the electrospinningpoly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) nanofibers." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 112(2): 595-605.
34.Jia, L., X.H. Qin, et al. (2013). "Stem cell differentiation on electrospunnanofibrous substrates for vascular tissue engineering." Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications 33(8): 4640-4650.
35.Jia, L., X.H. Qin,et al. (2013). "Biocompatibility evaluation of protein-incorporated electrospun polyurethane-based scaffolds with smooth muscle cells for vascular tissue engineering." Journal of Materials Science 48(15): 5113-5124.
International cooperation
Cornell University
Czech Repubic
Academic affairs
International Journal of Polymer Science,ISRN Nanomaterials。