
YAN Xiong Professor
发布时间: 2015-03-12

NameYAN Xiong


Phone +86-021-67792682


Mail[email protected]

Personal Introduction ( Education, Employment Experience)

  • 1978.9-1982.7 Shanghai East China Textile Engineering InstituteDonghua University Bachelor
  • 1982.9-1985.1 Shanghai East China Textile Engineering InstituteDonghua University Master
  • 1990.4-1993.6 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Doctor
  • 1994.12-1997.4China Textile UniversityDonghua UniversityPostdoctor
  • 1994.10-1998.8China Textile UniversityDonghua UniversityAssociate Professor
  • 2000.7-Donghua University Professor, Doctoral supervisor

    He receivedPh.D degree of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in 1993, is mainly engaged in the research of new textilematerials, new technologies and products. He is the is now the young academic leaderof structure and engineering disciplinesof CST of ministry of education, member of Chinese Society of Mechanics, China Textile Engineering Society, the American Society of SAMPE and Japan Polymer Society.


   Research and development in the structure and properties of composite fibers, functional textiles, new textile products, new technologies, new materials.

Honors and Awards

  • 1995.10 Outstanding paper of Shanghai Youth Science and Technology (the third prize)
  • 1997.11 4th Shanghai outstanding science book prize
  • 1997.10 Title of Shanghai outstanding young teachers
  • 1997.10 Title of outstanding young teachers of China Textile University
  • 1998.12 Prize ofQian Zhiguang Education Fund
  • 2004.6 Excellent textile technology book prize of Shanghai Textile Engineering Society
  • 2005.3 Shanghai Municipal Education Achievement Award
  • 2006.9 Reform thesis prize of Textile Industry Association (the second prize, the third prize,)
  • 2005. 6 The first prize of 2005 higher annual national teaching achievement award
  • 2009.12 Textile Science and Technology Progress Award of China Textile Industry Association
  • 2009.12 Higher Education Achievement prize of China Textile Industry Association Textile
  • 2012.10 The first prize of 4thultra-light composite materials in Advanced International Material and TechnologySociety

Research Projects

    In recent years, hosted the Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education, Shanghai Youth Science Foundation, Postdoctoral Funds,the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, military and other vertical projects; scientific research project supported by enterprise.


  Thesis: a hundreds of articles, more than sixtybythree major retrieval of SCI, EI, ISTP

  Patents: application more than twenty for invention patents, in whichten granted.

  Books: 5

  1. "Industrial fibers and textiles"

  2. "The new jet loom weaving"

  3. "The future of Japan's textile industry"

  4. "Industrial textiles"

  5. "Study of industrialfiber products"

International Cooperation and Communication

    1997.5Invited Japanese experts to do short-term academic exchanges in China;

    1998.9-1999.8 Visiting research fellowat Tokyo Institute of Technology;