
WANG Jun Professor
发布时间: 2015-03-13

NameWANG Jun


Phone +86-021-67792634


Mail[email protected]

Personal Introduction ( Education, Employment Experience)

  • Professor, Ph.D. supervisor of Textile engineering, College of Textiles. Served as deputy director of cotton textile professional committee of ChinaTextile Engineering Society, member of new spinning professional committee, deputy director of Key Laboratory of Textile Science &Technology, Ministry of Education, distinguished experts of China Keqiao Textile Index, evaluation expert of military material procurement, editorial board of " Journal of Textile Research", "Textile Accessories".
  • The main findings are: spinning fancy yarn spinning method and apparatus, compact spinning mechanism and equipment, spinning technology of low twist yarn, automatic joint technology of rotor spinning, compound twisting machine control systems, fabric flat objective evaluation system, woven fabric simulation system, automatic inspection system based on machine vision and waste textile utilization technologies.
  • 1990.9-1994.7 China Textile University Textile Engineering. Undergraduate
  • 1994.9-1999.12Textile Engineering, Donghua University. Ph.D.
  • 1999.12-College of Textiles, Donghua University. Teacher


  • New spinning technology
  • Numerical simulation, intelligent detection and quality control during fiber products processing,
  • Textile testing technology and performance evaluation

Honors and Awards

  1. 2013 The second prize of Shanghai teaching achievement (first author)
  2. 2012 Science and Technology Progress Award by China Textile Industry Association (fifth author)
  3. 2011 The second prize of Textile Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award by China Textile Industry Association (third author)
  4. 2009 Shanghai Outstanding Young Teachers in Universities
  5. 2009 Thethird prize of Shanghai teaching achievement(firstauthor)
  6. 2008 The secondprize ofSangma Textile Science and Technology Award
  7. 2008 The third prize of Eleventh Fok Ying Tung University Young Teacher Award (Natural Science)
  8. 2007 Shanghai Yucai Award
  9. 2007 The third prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award (first author)
  10. 2004 The second prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award (fifth author)
  11. 2004 Young professional ethics model of Donghua University
  12. 2003 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation nominated papers
  13. 2003 Shanghai outstanding achievement (Doctoral Dissertation)
  14. 2003 Outstanding young college teachers in Shanghai, reserve candidates
  15. 2003 Young professional ethics model of Donghua University
  16. 2002 Shanghai “Phosphor” Science Foundation
  17. 2001 Outstanding party communist, Donghua University
  18. 2001 Shanghai excellent teacher of college student summer social practice
  19. 2001 Young professional ethics model of Donghua University

Research Projects

  1. Defect detection algorithmstudy on the woven fabric texture characterizationbased on dictionary learning, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014.1-2017.12
  2. Development of automatic inspection machinebased on machine vision, Shaoxing research programs, 2011.1-2012.12
  3. Key technology research and developmentof high speed complex twisting machinery control system, Support Program of Jiangsu Province Science and Technology, 2009.3-2010.12,
  4. Compact spinning mechanical model and gathering mechanism, research project of the Ministry of Education, 2008.1-2010.6,
  5. High performance automatic rotor spinning machine development, Zhejiang funded projects focus on major science and technology, Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province, 2007.1-2009.12
  6. Compact spinning technology development, Shanghai Alliance Program, Shanghai PromotionAssociation of scientific and technological achievements, 2006.1-2007.12
  7. Spinning twist transfer mechanism, Shanghai Education Commission research for outstanding young teachers, 2004.1-2005.12
  8. Key technology research on spinning gathering, Shanghai “Phosphor” Science Foundation, 2002.9-2005.12



  1. Zou Jian, Semenovich Dimitri, Sowmya Arcot, Wang JunSparseDictionary Reconstruction for Textile Defect DetectionThe 11th International Conferenceon Machine Learning and Applications1:21-262012
  2. Zeng YCWang JStudy on Airflow Field of the Melt-blowing Slot Die via CFD and Genetic AlgorithmProceedings of the Fiber Society Spring 2012 Conference267-2702012
  3. Yang JP, Wang J, Bu HG, Fu T, Xi QO, Zhou SPMechanical analysis on constant cross-section segment of fiber band in condensing zone during compact spinningJOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE103(2): 117-1232012
  4. Wang J, Liu HG, Yang JP, Chen GW, Fu TAnalysis of the Additional Twists on the Fiber Band in Compact Field of Compact SpinningAdvanced MaterialsResearch175-176: 380-3842011
  5. Yang JP, FU T, Wang JAnalysis on the Characterization of the Twist Insertion Level and Its Effect of the Compact and Ring Spun YarnsJournal of Donghua University (English Edition)28(3): 252-2542011
  6. Ildephonse Nibikora, Jun Wang, Drafting force Forecasting Using Genetic ProgrammingAdvanced Materials Research175-176: 355-3592011
  7. Ildephonse Nibikora, Jun Wang, Optimum Selection of the Opening Roller and Navel for Rotor Spun Silk/Cashmere Blended YarnFIBRES & TEXTILES IN EASTERN EUROPE 18(5): 35-382010
  8. Bu HG, Wang J, Chen X, Huang XB, Detection of Fabric Defect by AR spectral analysis and Support Vector Data Description, Textile Research Journal, 807):579-5892010
  9. Yang JP, Wang J, Bu HG, Fu T, Xi QO, Zhou SPMechanical analysis on changing cross-sectional segment of fibre band in condensing zone in compact spinningJOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE100(5): 451-4562009
  10. Bu HG, Wang J, Tian CT, et al. Automatic Detection of Woven Fabric Defects by One-class Support Vector Method. Proceedings of the Fiber Society 2009 Spring Conference, V1, 672-675. International Conference on Fibrous Materials 2009, the fiber society 2009 Spring Annual Meeting and Technical Conference, May 27-29, Donghua University, Shanghai, China2009
  11. Bu HG, Wang J, Huang XB,A Practical and Robust Way to the Optimization of Parameters in RBF Kernel-based One-class Classification Support Vector Methods. Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'09)(Volume 1), Tianjin, 14-16, Aug 2009, 445-449
  12. Bu HG, Wang J, Tian CT, et al. Optimum Time Series Fractal Features for Inspection of Woven Fabric Flaws. Program and Short Abstract of The 10th Asian Textile Conference, September 7-9, Ueda, Nagano, Japan, P93, 2009
  13. Ting ChenJun WangXiubao HuangArtificial Neural Network Modeling for Predicting Melt Blowing ProcessingJournal of Applied Polymer Science99 (1):424 -4292006
  14. Wang JunFu TingWang KeyongPromotion of semiautomatic piecing quality in rotor spinningJournal of Donghua University23(2):54-582006
  15. Yang XingWang JunYang JianpingMotion Analysis of Fiber Band in Compact SpinningJournal of Donghua University23(1):144-1472006
  16. Jianming XuJun WangEvaluation of Fabric Smoothness Based on Photometric Stereo ImagesDYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES B-APPLICATIONS & ALGORITHMS13(Suppl.):66-70 2006


  14 invention patents, 5 utility model patents


  Yu Chongwen, Wang Jun, Wang Xinhou, "Optimized design of engineering parameters", Donghua University Press, 2003.9