
WAN Xian Fu
发布时间: 2015-03-13

NameWAN Xian Fu

TitleAssociate Professor

Phone +86-021-67792762


Mail[email protected]

Personal Introduction ( Education, Employment Experience)

  • 1997/9-2001/7 Heating ventilation and air conditioning engineering, Donghua University, bachelor's degree(Air conditioning automatic control system development)
  • 2001/9-2004/3 Computer science, Donghua University, master's degree
  • Supervisor: Professor Sun Li, Professor Chen Jiaxun (E-Commerce)
  • 2004/5-2008/11 Textile and ClothingDepartment, Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
  • doctor’s degree. Supervisor:Professor Fan Jintu(Mechanism of clothing heat and moisture transfer and test systemdevelopment)
  • 2008/11-2010/8 Textile and Clothing Department, Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
  • postdoctoral researcher. Supervisor: Professor Fan Jintu (Thermal fabric design and its radiation heat transfer performance research)
  • 2010/9-2010/12 College of Textiles, Donghua University. Lecturer
  • Since 2011/1College of Textiles, Donghua University. Associate Professor


  • Clothing heat and moisture transfer
  • Human Thermal Comfort
  • Modeling and Simulation
  • Evaluation and Testing Technology


Research Projects

  • 2011/1-2014/12 Modeling and simulation of fire protective clothing and human body heat and moisture interaction system, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Fund, 250,000 yuan
  • 2011/12-2012/12 Waterproof clothing testing and evaluation system development, ShandongTai'an Clothing Co.
  • 2008/11-2010/8 Development of 100% Cotton Super Comfort & Easy Care Fabrics and Garments (K.14.37.ZRA0), Hong Kong government projects


1. Wan X., Fan J., 2012. Heat Transfer through Fibrous Assemblies Incorporating Reflective Interlayers, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,55(25-26),8032-8037. (SCI)

2. Fan J., Chau K. P., Wan X., Zhai L. Lau E,2012. Prediction of facial attractiveness from facial proportions,Pattern Recognition, 45(6), 2326. (SCI)

3. Wu H.,Fan J.,Wan X. Du N. 2012. One-step fabrication of branched poly(vinyl alcohol) nanofibers by magnetic coaxial electrospinning, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125(2), 1425-9. (SCI)

4. Wan, X., Fan, J., Wu, H., 2009. Measurement of thermal radiative properties of penguin down and other fibrous materials using FTIR, Polymer testing, 28, 673-679.(SCI)

5. Wan, X., Fan, J., 2008. A transient thermal model of the human body-clothing-environment system, Journal of thermal biology, 33, 87-97.(SCI)

6. Wan, X., Fan, J., 2008. A novel test method for measuring the thermal properties of clothing ensembles under dynamic conditions, Measurement science and Technology, 19 (6), 065702.(SCI)

7. Wan, X., Fan, J., 2009. A new method for measuring the thermal regulatory properties of phase change material (PCM) fabrics, Measurement science and Technology, 20, 025110.(SCI)

8. Kar, F., Fan, J., Yu, W., Wan, X., 2007. Effects of thermal and moisture transport properties of T-shirts on wearer’s comfort sensations, Fibers and polymers, 8(5), 537-542. (SCI)

9. Wan, X., Fan, J. A transient thermal model of the human-clothing-environment system. The 3rd European conference on Protective Clothing (ECPC) and NOKOBETEF 8. Gdynia, 10-12 May 2006.(ISTP)

10. Gao, C., Homer, I., Fan, J., Wan, X.,Wu, J., Havenith G. The comparison of thermal properties of protective clothing using dry and sweating manikins. The 3rd European conference on Protective Clothing (ECPC) and NOKOBETEF 8. Gdynia, 10-12 May 2006.(ISTP)

11. Wan, X., Fan, J., Fan. A Human-Clothing-Environment System Model for Simulating Dynamic Thermal Process during Human Exercise. The 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSI), Orlando, USA, July, 2005.(ISTP)