
Hu Jiyong
发布时间: 2015-04-15


Associate professor Hu Jiyong

3055#College of Textiles

Donghua University

2999 Renmin North Rd. Songjiang District

Tel: +86-21-67792678

Dr. Hu Jiyong graduated with BSc in textile engineering from Wuyi University, Guangdong, China, and was awarded a Ph.D. in textile engineering from Donghua University, Shanghai, China. He has been serving as an associate professor in Textiles Engineering and Biomedical Textiles in Donghua University since 2013. His main research interests include functional design, forming and evaluation of intelligent textiles (such as fabric sensor, RFID tags, etc.) as well as human-machine environment in textiles. Dr. Hu has been responsible of a number of research projects, including, National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, as well as industrial co-projects. He also has been involved in several international cooperation projects, including EU Asia-link project, Innovation Fund of Hong Kong. He has published 14 Chinese patents (5 awarded), more than 40 scientific papers.



[1]Ke Wei, Roraru G M, Hu Jiyong, Ding Xin, Rossi R M, Derler S. Relationship Between the Friction and Microscopic Contact Behavior of a Medical Compression Stocking at Different Strains. Tribology Letter, 2014, in press

[2]Yang Xudong, Hu Jiyong, Ding Xin, Wang Rubin. Capability and limitation in evaluation on perceived fabric softness by three types of sensory modality, Fibers and Polymers, 2014, Accepted

[3]Ke WeiHu JiyongDing Xin. Influence of Surface Topography on the Tactile Friction of Medical Compression Textiles against a Mechanical Skin model. Journal of Donghua University (Eng Eds),

[4]Zhang YuanHu JiyongDing Xin. Anthropomorphic Classification of Tactile Qualities of Woven Fabrics based on Skin/Textile Friction-induced Vibrations. Journal of Donghua University (Eng Eds),

[5]Zhao QunZhang YuanHu JiyongDing Xin. Relationship between friction-induced vibration and constructional parameters of woven fabric. Journal of Donghua University2014accepted

[6]Yang Xudong, Lei Kaiqiang, Hu Jiyong. Preparation and evaluation of PANI/PTT electromagnetic shielding fabric by in-situ chemical polymerization. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2014, 87(7): 909-915

[7]Zhou Yun, Ding Xin, Zhang Jiangwei, Duan Yaru, Hu Jiyong, Yang Xudong. Fabrication of conductive fabric as textile electrode for ECG monitoring. Fibers and Polymers, 2014

[8]Ding XinYang XudongHu Jiyong. Performance and research status of membranes applied on buildingChina Textile Leader20136: 40-44

[9]Hu Jiyong, Jiang Ruitao, Yang Xudong, Ding Xin, Wang Rubin. Psychometric properties of geometrical texture features for tactile roughness sensation of fabric surfaces. Journal of Donghua University (Eng Eds), 201330(5): 430-434

[10]Hu Jiyong*, Zhao Qun, Jiang Ruitao, Wang Rubin, Ding Xin. Responses of cutaneous mechanoreceptors within fingerpad to stimulus information for tactile softness sensation of materials. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2013, 7(5): 441-447

[11]Hu Yujie, Hu Jiyong, Zhao Qun, Ding Xin, Yang Xudong. Relationship between tactual roughness judgment and surface morphology of fabric by fingertip touching method, Fibers and Polymers, 2013, 14(6): 1024-1031.

[12]Hu Jiyong, Yang Xudong, Ding Xin, Probability of prickliness detection in a model of populations of fiber ends prickling human skin. Fibers and Polymers, 2012, 13(1): 79-86

[13]Pang WeiLiu TongLi YapingHu JiyongYang Xudong. Review on fabric-based sensorTechnical Textiles201230(6):1-7

[14]He CongyanHu JiyongDing Xin. Psychophysical characteristics of fabric softness evaluation for different sensory modalities. Journal of Donghua University (Eng Eds)2012384):16-20

[15]Hu Jiyong, Ding Xin, Wang Rubin, Yang Xudong. Bending mechanical behavior of single fiber prickling human skinournal of Dynamics and Control, 2012, 10(2): 162-167

[16]Pan Deng, Hu Jiyong, Ding Xin. Study on Fabric Roughness Based on Spectrum Analysis.. Journal of Donghua University (Eng Eds)2012, 38(1): 6-11

[17]Cai Cencen, Hu Jiyong, Ding Xin. Influence of sensory modes onfabric softness evaluation. Journal of Donghua University (Eng Eds)2012, 38(1): 26-31

[18]Hu Jiyong, Li Yi, Ding Xin, Hu Junyan. The mechanics of buckling fiber in relation to fabric-evoked prickliness-a theory model of single fiber prickling human skin. Journal of The Textile Institute, 2011, 102(12): 1003-1018

[19]Hu Jiyong, Li Yi, Ding Xin, et al. Neuromechanical representation of fabric-evoked prickliness: a fiber-skin-neuron model. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2011, 5(2): 161-170

[20]Hu Jiyong, Li Yi, Hu Junyan. Neuromechanical representation of fabric-evoked prickle spatial and probability integration. Fibers and Polymers, 2010,11(5):790-797

[21]Hu Jiyong, Ding Xin, Wang Rubin, Cai Cencen. Intrinsic differences of sensory analysis from instrumental evaluation on fabric softness by lateral compression. Fibers and Polymers, 2009, 10(3): 371-378

[22]Hu Jiyong, Ding Xin, Wang Rubin, Yang Xudong. Mechanistic principles of sensory analysis on fabric softness by touch means.Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 200941(5): 761-768

[23]Ke Wei, Hu Jiyong*, Ding Xin. Friction Behaviour of Medical Compression Stockings Against Various Mechanical Skin Models. S. Long and B. S. Dhillon (eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Man–Machine–Environment System Engineering, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2015, 318, 311-317

[24]Jiang Ruitao, Hu Jiyong*, Zhang Yuan. Exploring the Psychophysical Relationship Between Basic Fabric Construction Parameters and Typical Tactile Sensations. S. Long and B. S. Dhillon (eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Man–Machine–Environment System Engineering, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2015, 318, 121-127

[25]Hu Jiyong, Zhang Yuan, Jiang Ruitao, Ke Wei, Yang Xudong, Ding Xin. Relationship between constructional parameters and friction-induced vibration of fingertip sliding across woven fabric surfaces, 2nd International Conference on BioTribology, 11-14 May 2014, Sheraton Centre Toronto, Toronto, Canada

[26]Zhou Y., Ding X., Hu J. Y., et al. PPy/Cotton Fabric Composite Electrode for Electrocardiogram Monitoring. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 881-883pp.1122-1125.

[27]Zhao Qun, Hu Jiyong, Ding Xin. Discrimination characteristics of physical determinants for tactile roughness sensation of fabric surface textures. S. Long and B. S. Dhillon (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Man–Machine–Environment System Engineering, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2013, 259, 443-450

[28]Hu Jiyong, Ding Xin, Hu Yujie, Ke Wei. Dependence of activation probability of cutaneous nociceptors on features of fiber ends protruding above fabric surfaces. In proceedings: 2011 International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials, Shanghai, China, Jun 2011, p240-246

[29]Hu Jiyong, Ding Xin, Wang Rubin. Effect of fingerpad mechanics and anatomical structures on tactile detection of compliant object. IEEE: The 6th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'10), Yantai, China, August 10-12, 2010, p2097-2101

[30]Hu Jiyong, Liyi, Ding Xin, Wang Rubin. Population responses of Aδ-fiber nociceptors with hypothetical spatial distributions on human forearm. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (II), Volume editors: Rubin Wang and Fanji Gu, Springer Netherlands, 2011, p447-451

[31]Hu Jiyong, Li Yi, Ding Xin, Pan Deng. Effect of lateral compressibility on tactual detectability of fabric’s surface roughness. In: Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings, The 4th WACBE (The World Association for Chinese Biomedical Engineers) World Congress, Editor: Li J S and Chen A Z, Hong Kong, China on July 26-29, 2009, p615-621



[1] Biomimetic sensor for dynamic friction test of textiles. ZL200910048960.42012

[2] Platform mimicking tactile texture evaluation, ZL201220604421.1,2013