Feng Ji
Associate Professor, College of Textiles, DonghuaUniversity
Room 4024, 3 # Collegiate Building, DonghuaUniversity
Address: 2999 North Renmin Road, Shanghai, P. R. C. (Postcode: 201620)
Phone: +86-21-67792781
Email: jifeng@macaugaminghub.com
Research Area
Technical Textiles and Textile Structures
Ph.D. Textile Science and Engineering, DonghuaUniversity, 2005.
B.S. Textile Engineering, QingdaoUniversity, 1999.
Work Experience
2005-2009, Assistant Professor, Department of Textile Materials, College of Textiles, DonghuaUniversity.
2009-now, Associate Professor, Department of High Technical Textiles, College of Textiles, DonghuaUniversity.
2013.8-2014.8 Visiting scholar, North Carolina State University of U.S.A. College of Textile Engineering, Chemistry, and Science.
Resent Publications
1. Yijun Liu, Zhiyong Liang, Yanfang Li, Feng Ji, Yiping Qiu. Simulating Dynamic Bending Features of Fabrics Based on Fluid-Solid Interaction Technique, Journal of Donghua University (English version), 39(3), 2013.
2. A Novel Testing Method of the Wet Wearing Comfortability of Fabrics,Feng Ji, Yiping Qiu, Jianfei Xie, Shuyao Sun, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Textile Engineering and Materials (ICTEM2012), November 17-18, 2012, Changsha, China.
3. Effect of Glycerol Coating on the Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment of UHMWPE Fibers, Feng Ji, Yuyan Hong, Shujing Peng, Ting He, Jie Sun, Lan Yao, Yiping Qiu, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 26, 2012, 289-301.
4. Study of the Dynamic Bending Behavior of Woven Fabrics in Gentle Wind Field, Feng Ji, Sihan Wang, Xiaoqiang Wei, Yanfang Li, Shuai Tu, Yiping Qiu, Proceedings of the Fiber Society 2011 Spring Conference, May 23-25, 2011, 42-44. Hong Kong.
Most Resent Patent Application
Method and Instrument for Fast Testing of the Adhesion between Wet Fabric and Human Skin, National Invention Patent of China.October, 2012.
Inventor: Feng Ji, Yiping Qiu, Ruqin Li, Shuyao Sun.Application number: CN201210163310.6
Major Project Experiences
1. The Testing, Evaluating, and Modeling of the Dynamic Draping Behavior of Fabrics, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China for the Youth, 2009-2012.
2. Study of the Objective Testing Method of the Wet Wearing Comfortability of Fabrics, supported by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2013-2015.
2009-now, Testing Method of Fibers and Textiles.
2008-now, Mathematical Statistics Applied in Textile Engineering.
Textile Engineering Institute of China.