Lan Yao, Ph.D., Associate professor,
E-mail: yaolan@ macaugaminghub.com,Room 4020 TC Building
2008Ph.D. Textile Materials Science, Donghua University
2008-2010Postdoctoral research in Materials science, Donghua University
Research interested
Textile reinforced composites; Smart textiles; Nano fiber composites
2009Nomination for National One-Hundred Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award
2008Thebest research paper submitted in the year 2008, The Fiber Society
Papers selected
1. Lan Yao, Qi Rong, Zhongde Shan, YipingQiu. Static and Bending Fatigue Properties of Ultra-Thick 3D Orthogonal Woven Composites, Journal of Composite Materials 47 (5) 569-577, 2013.
2. Lan Yao, Xin Wang, FujunXu, Muwen Jiang, Dongchun Zhou and YipingQiu. Effect of Wire Space and Weaving Pattern on Performance of Microstrip Antennas Integrated in the Three Dimensional Orthogonal Woven Composites Applied composites materials.Applied composite materials 19 (1): 21-30, 2012.
3. Lan Yao, Muwen Jiang, Dongchun Zhou, FujunXu, Da Zhao, Wenwen Zhang, Nanting Zhou, Qian Jiang and YipingQiu. Fabrication and characterization of microstrip array antennas integrated in the three dimensional orthogonal woven composite. Composites part B 42:885-890, 2011.
4. Yao, L. and Qiu, Y., Microstrip Design and fabrication of microstrip antennas integrated in three dimensional orthogonal woven composites. Composites Science and Technology. 69: 1004–1008 (2009)
Yao L, Qiu YP, A conformal load-bearing microstrip antenna based on three dimensional orthogonal woven composites.200710036670.9 (Authorized)