
Chen Nan-liang professor
发布时间: 2015-04-20


Personal profile

Chen Nan-liang, male, professor,tutor for doctor degree,Dean of college of textiles ofdonghua university,vice president of the researchinstitute,director ofEngineeringresearch center oftechnicaltextile, ministry ofeducation.Vice director ofchinaknittingindustryassociationtechnicalcommittee of experts,editor of the Glass fiber magazine.Professor Chen is theindependent director of Shanghai shenda co., LTD andthe director ofinvestmentdevelopment committee in this company,he is also theindependent director of Shanghaiyongli belting co., LTD.Professor Chen has awardedhonors like “outstanding young teachersofdonghua university,outstanding communist party member,Shanghai shuguang scholars”,Shanghai excellent academic leaders”, “Shanghai leading talent” and “2013tenpeople ofShanghai Educationnews.He was evaluatedtheChina's textile and apparel industry top ten person of the year” by textile and garment weekly in 2011.He hascultivated four doctors and more than 50masters,one of them awarded Shanghai outstanding doctoral dissertation.Professor Chenmainlyengages in the development of industrial textiles and textile structural composite materials, has some outstanding achievementsin the special weaving technology and product development.So far, Professor Chenhas undertaken and participated in the complete project commissioned by the state, provincial and enterprise for more than 80.Include one “national science and technology support project”, one863 preparatory project, two973 project, two subproject of921-3 project two “Commission of science and Technology and Industry for National Defence project”.Professor Chenhas awarded two second prizeofNational scientific and technological progress,two first prize, four second prize andtwo third prize of the provincial scientific and technological progress.He haspublished more than100 papers, of whichincluding more than 30 EI and SCI, edited seven materials and monographs. He owns 17inventive patents and6 utility model patents.

Teaching and lecture courses

Knitting,Knitting product design, Knitting technology and equipment,Textile and civilization,Modern textile technology

Educational Background and Work Experience

July 1984: bachelor's degree (knitting engineering of eastChina textile engineering college)

January 1989: master's degree (knitting engineering ofChina textile university)

Since September 1984: teachers of textile college of donghua university

June - December1995: senior visiting scholar of Czech brno knitting institute

June 6 -December 1999: Shanghai textile holding Co.,Ltd. (credentials the exercise)

May 2001: Doctor's degree (textile engineering of donghua university)

June-December 2000: senior visiting scholar of German Kaiser slough vinesuniversity


Industrial textiles and composite material, biological medical textile material  

Honors and awards

1.The development of glass fiber warp-knitted grid material for space semi-rigid panels,the second prize of theChina textile industry association science and technology (no. 1), September2012.

2.Research and application of the key technology of digital warp knitting equipment, National prize for progress prize in science and technology (no. 3), November2010.

3.The integrated development of high conductivity wet polyester fiber and products, the second prize of theChina textile industry association science and technology (no. 7), December2007.

4.The development of high conductivity wet polyester fiber and products, thefirst prize of theChina textile industry association science and technology (no. 7),October2006.

5.The development and industrialization of Reactive dyeing soaping technology in high efficient short process,the second prize of the China textile industry association science and technology (no.9), November2010.

6.RCD-1 axial warp knitting machine,the second prize of theChina textile industry association science and technology (no.2), November2009.

7.The research of extravehicular spacesuit outer protective material, the top ten of science and technology progress of ministry education (no.5), June2003.

8.The research of medical silk braiding suture, the Shanghai science and technology progress third prize (no.5), December 2001.

9.The warp-knitted geogrid (skeleton warp-knitted reinforced composite material), the third science and technology progress prize of jiangsu province (no.2), December 2001.

10.Lightof textile special teacher award,China textile industry association, December 2012.

11.Dawn scholars in Shanghai, Shanghai education committee, December 2002.

12.Shanghai outstanding academic leaders, the Shanghai science and technology commission, September 2012.

13.The development of half rigid panels glass fiber warp-knitted grid material for Tian Gong 1, the first prize of SangMa textile science,September 2012.

14.The innovation science and technology team of Shanghai, the Shanghai municipal federation of trade unions, May2013.

Research Projects

1.All intelligent forming warp knitting technology and equipment research and development and industrialization, achievement transformation project in jiangsu province, 2013.09-2016.08.

2.Key technology of space antenna wire mesh production optimization and numerical simulation, outstanding academic leaders in Shanghai plan project, 2012.07- 2014.06.

3.The research and development of pelvic floor functional reconstruction of soft tissue repair materials, national science and technology support program, 2011.01-2013.12.

4.Functional tent materials manufacturing technology and industrialization, national science and technology support program, 2011.01- 2013.12.

5.Inflatable material for mars pathfinder and aerospace applications, Shanghai institute of space technology, 2012.03-2013.12.

6.The development ofwiremeshreflectorantennas, Aerospace Science and Technology Group Corporation Xi'an Branch, 2010.01-2014.08.

7.The research of special reinforced fabric for light conveyor belt, Shanghai alliance plan - problem project subject to tender, 2009.06 - 2013.03.

8.The research and experimental technology ofairbag material, the general armaments department, 2011.09 - 2012.12.

9.The development of warp knitting process and mechanical properties of semi-rigid mesh grid materials for spacecraft solar panels, 921-3 engineering project, the research of new network panel material and weaving technology, science and technology commission of Shanghai, 2004-2011.

10.Thebasic research of biodegradable nanoparticles drug slow-releasescaffold, China science and technology 973 corpus, 2009.09 -2010.12.

11.The development and industrialization of more than 2 mw and above wind-power blades with glass fiber axial warp-knitted reinforced material, the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in jiangsu province, 2009.10-2012.09.

12.The development and construction of the function of textile fabrics network platform &database, science and technology commission of Shanghai, 2009.06 - 2011.06. 


1.Zhang L, Jiang JH,Chen NL.Relationship between Knitting Parameters and Mechanical Properties of Warp Knitting Mesh Fabric[J].Advanced Materials Research, 2013,627: 374-377.

2.Sui WL, Jiang JH,Chen NL.Effects of Braiding Parameters on Radial Compressive Property of Intraluminal Stents[J].Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013,268: 213-216.

3.Gunnar Rieber , Jinhua Jiang, Carsten Deter, Nanliang Chen, Peter Mitschang.Influence of textile parameters on the in-plane Permeability[J].Composites: Part A, 2013 52 (9): 89-98.

4.J.H. Jiang, N.L. Chen.Preforms and Composites Manufactured by Novel Flax/Polypropylene Co-wrap Spinning Method[J].Journal of Composite Materials. 2012, 46(17): 2097-2109.

5.Zhang L, Jiang JH, Chen NL.Relationship between Knitting Parameters and Mechanical Properties of Warp Knitting Mesh Fabric[J].Advanced Materials Research, 2013,627: 374-377.

6.J.H. Jiang,N.L. Chen.Preforms and Composites Manufactured by Novel Flax/Polypropylene Co-wrap Spinning Method.Journal of Composite Materials. 2012, 46(17): 2097-2109 (SCI)

7.Xu HY,Chen NL. The influence of the hot processing conditions on the impregnating degree of GF/PET friction spun core yarn.Advanced Materials Research, 2012, V518-523(5): 841-846

8.Ruan LL ;Wang DX;  Zhang YW;Zhao JX;Zhang, XF;Chen, NL  .Different pH-values of release medium influence the drug release from PTX-PCL microspheres. Advanced Materials Research, 2012V482-484(2):2605-2608

9.Ruan LL,Wang DX,Zhang YW,Zhao JX,Wang MW; Zhang XF,Chen NL.Study on preparation and property of drug loading of AZM-PCL nanoparticels. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012V121-126(10):1764-1768

10.J.H. Jiang, Z.X. Wang,N.L. Chen.Natural Fibre/Polypropylene Wrap Spun Yarns and Preforms for Structured Thermoplastic Composites. Materials Science Forum. Vol. 675- 677(2). 2011: 427-430

11.Z.X. Wang, J.H. Jiang,N.L. Chen.Nonlinear Rate-Dependent Stress-Strain Behavior of Light-Weight Textile Conveyor Belt. Materials Science Forum. Vol. 675-677(2). 2011: 453-456

12.Z.X. Wang, J.H. Jiang,N.L. Chen.Tensile behavior of textile reinforced flexible composites with notch. Industria textile.2011,62(1):24-29

13.J.H. Jiang, Z.X. Wang,N.L. Chen.Measurement of Transverse Permeability of Fabric Preforms Using Ultrasound Monitoring Technique in LCM Processes. Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 311-313. 2011: 214-217

14.Z.X. Wang, J.H. Jiang,N.L. Chen.Tensile behavior of textile reinforced flexible composites with single edge notch (SEN) under static solicitation. Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 311-313. 2011: 205-209

15.J.H. Jiang,N.L. Chen.Relation of 2D Permeability and Preform Structure Parameters. Advanced Materials Research. Vol 306-307. 2011: 1678-1682

International Exchange and Cooperation

2000.6-2000.12, Institut fuer Verbundwerkstoffe, TU Kaiserslautern,Germanysenior visiting scholar

1995.6-1995.12 knitting Institute in Brno,Czech Republic,senior visiting scholar

Contact information

Phone: 86-21-67792264

Fax: 86-21-67792627


Address: College of Textiles, DonghuaUniversity, 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang Ditrict, Shanghai, P. R. China, 201620