
Zhang Peihua Professor
发布时间: 2015-04-20


NameZhang Peihua 

professional titleprofessor


Office address: room 4017, TextileCollege building

E-mail address[email protected]

Personal profile

Zhang Pei-hua, female, professor, tutor for doctor degree, director of  knitting and garment engineering department, expert committee of China knitting industry association, deputy director of professional committee of the China textile engineering, deputy director of professional committee of the Shanghai textile engineering. Professor Zhang mainly researches on knitting product and clothing comfort and biomedical textiles and its biomechanical properties. She has undertaken and participated in many projects, including one “863”, two “973” projects, two “national science and technology support project”, of which more than ten were commissioned by the state, more than 30 projects were cooperated with company. She also awarded the prize of provincial scientific and technological progress (five times), published more than120 papers and own 8 inventive patents.

Teaching and lecture courses


Educational Background and Work Experience

lJuly 1984: bachelor's degree (knitting engineering of east China textile engineering college)

lJanuary 1987:master's degree (knitting engineering of China textile university)

lSince January 1987: teachers of textile college of donghua university

lApril 2005: Doctor's degree (textile engineering of donghuauniversity)

Research fields

lKnitted fabric and clothing comfort

lThe development of biomedical textiles and the research of biological mechanics

Honors and awards


lThe sixth China textile university outstanding young teacher, 1999.

lThe third session of the best teacher in my mind of donghua university,2001-2002.

lBest teachers of Baosteel education fund, 2003.

lShanghai famous teacher, 2003.

lThe fourth session of the best teacher in my mind of donghua university,2003-2004.

lShanghai Woman Pace-setter,2006.

lOutstanding communist party member of education and health of Party System in Shanghai, 2011.

lSpecial Prize of excellent teacher of the Textile Vision Science & Education Fund, 2014

2. Scientific research awards

lThe development of antibacterial/easy care functional nano-composite knitted product, Knitted underwear innovation contribution of China textile industry association(no.1,2012).

lNew type of moisture absorption heat function knitting fabric processing technology research, the third prize of the China textile industry association science and technology (no.5, 2012).

lThe third session of the Oriental pearl innovation achievement award, the shanghai textile industry association science and technology (no.1, 2012).

lRenewable ecological fiber material applied key technology research, he Shanghai science and technology progress third prize (no.7, 2011).

lThe development ofantibacterial/anti-ultraviolet functional nano-compositeknitted product, Knitted underwear innovation contribution of China textile industry association(no.1,2011).

lThe key technologies of new environmental protection high-grade function knitting fabric and industrialization, the third prize of the China textile industry association science and technology (no.3, 2011).

lThe technology research of high shrinkage acrylic/wool thick needle hair flannelette, the second prize of the China textile industry association science and technology (no.3, 2010).

lThe research of medical silk braiding suture, the Shanghai science and technology progress third prize (no.1, 2001).

3.Teaching awards

lThe excellent course construction of knitting, the second prize of teaching achievement China textile industry association (no.1,2011).

lThe best teaching team, the Shanghai municipal teaching team(no.1, 2010).

lKnitting,national excellent courses (no.1, 2009).

lTextile engineering trinity reform and practice of students' innovative ability cultivation system, the first prize of Shanghai teaching achievement (no.5, 2009).

lThe solid foundation for curriculum construction & makes the high-quality goods curriculum group, the second prize of Shanghai teaching achievement (no.4, 2009).

lThe solid foundation for curriculum construction & makes the high-quality goods curriculum group, the second prize of China textile industry association teaching achievement (no.4, 2009).

lKnitting and garment textile engineering direction of deepening the reform and practice, the third prize of China textile industry association teaching achievement (no.1, 2009).

lKnitting,shanghai excellent courses (no.1, 2007).

lFacing the 21st century textile engineering specialty teaching content and course system of research and practice, the first prize of Shanghai teaching achievement (no.3, 2001).

Research Projects

lBiological modification of protein fiber knitted underwear product research and development, the technical innovation project of shanghai textile (group) co., LTD, (2013-2014).

lThe research and development of biological modification of protein fiber knitted underwear product, the technical innovation project of shanghai textile (group) co., LTD, (2013-2014).

lHuman peripheral nerves regeneration conduit, medical science and technology commission of Shanghai production project, (2012-2015).

lThe research and development of pelvic floor functional reconstruction of soft tissue repair materials, national science and technology support program, (2012-2015).

lThe key technology of new super imitation cotton polyester fiber textile dyeing and finishing and product development, national science and technology support program, (2011-2013).

lStudy on the fabrication and properties of biodegradable PLA/PGA composite chitosan stent, Science and technology commission of Shanghai international cooperation projects, (2010-2013).

lThe development of advanced nano multifunctional composite knitting product, the technical innovation project of shanghai textile (group) co., LTD, (2009-2010).

lLarge-scale production of the functional fiber with high sensibility nano-composite and its application, Shanghai nano special fund, (2009-2010).

lA number of key industries technical countermeasures research in Shanghai- Shanghai textile technical countermeasures research, Shanghai science and technology development fund for soft science research project, (2009-2010).


[1]Yongrong Wang, Peihua Zhang, Yiping Zhang. Experimental investigation the dynamic pressure attenuation of elastic fabric for compression garment. Textile Research Journal, 2014, 84(6): 572-582

[2]GONG Ze, ZHANG Pei-hua, WANG Wen-zu, LUO Yun-wei. Properties of scaffold reinforcement for tendon tissue engineering in vitro degradation. Journal of DonghuaUniversity(Eng. Ed.), 2013,30(5): 352-355

[3]QUE Zhi-wen, ZHANG Pei-hua. Radial force analysis of polydioxanone coronary stent by finite element method. Journal of DonghuaUniversity(Eng. Ed.), 2013,30(5): 375-35577

[4]SONG Wei-ping, ZHANG Peihua, WANG Wen-zu. Radial compressive property of nerve regeneration conduit with PGLA biodegradable fibers. Journal of DonghuaUniversity(Eng. Ed.), 2013,30(5): 386-388

[5]YANG Jie-ying, QUE Zhi-wen, CHEN Nan-liang, ZHANG Pei-hua. Evaluation of relationship between the geometry stent. Journal of DonghuaUniversity(Eng. Ed.), 2013,30(5): 389-390

[6]WANG Bi-qiao, ZHANG Pei-hua, FANG Mei-han. Potassium dichromate surface modifation of polyglycolic acid(PGA) multifilament. Journal of DonghuaUniversity(Eng. Ed.), 2013,30(5): 394-396

[7]Yingchu Wang, Peihua Zhang. Plastic deformation of polyvinylidene fluoride and polypropylene suture material used of hernia repair. Advanced Materials Research Vols.641-642(2013)pp456-459,2012 The 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology, Chemical and Materials Engineering(CBCME 2012), December 28-29,2012, 厦门,中国Biotechnology, Chemical and Materials Engineering II, Part 1:456-459

[8]Yongrong Wang, Peihua Zhang, Yuan Yao. Quantitative Assessment the Physical-Mechanical Properties of Elastic Knitted Fabrics. 2013, Advanced Materials Research, 680, 44-48. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.680.44 (EI)

[9]Yongrong Wang, Peihua Zhang. Measurement the contact pressure of compression garment on a smart mannequin system. 2013, Advanced Materials Research, 627, 572-576.

[10]Yongrong Wang, Peihua Zhang. The effect of physical-mechanical properties on dynamic pressure of compression garment. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2013, 25(2), pp131-144.

[11]ZHAI Wenqian,ZHANG Peihua,ZHEN Huuiying,WANG Conger. The in vitro degradation study of biodegradable intravascular stents of two different materials. Proceedings of 2012 International Forum of Biomedical Textile Materials, 8th-9th, June 2012, China:99-105

[12]WANG Biqiao, ZHANG Peihua, FANG Meihan. The study of sodium hyprochlorite surface modification to improve hydrophilic of PGA, PLA and PGLA. Proceedings of 2012 International Forum of Biomedical Textile Materials, 8th-9th, June 2012, China:123-1126

[13]WANG Shan, WANG Biqiao, ZHANG Peihua, TANG Naijie, CHEN Sishi. The effect of chitosan coating on pH value of nerve conduits during degradation. Proceedings of 2012 International Forum of Biomedical Textile Materials, 8th-9th, June 2012, China:138-140

[14]TANG Yan, ZHANG Peihua, WANG Yingchu, LIN Yichen, TANG Naijie. Thermal finalization technology of polyvinylidene fluride hernia mesh. Proceedings of 2012 International Forum of Biomedical Textile Materials, 8th-9th, June 2012, China:196-199

[15]WANG Yingchu, ZHANG Peihua, TANG Yan, LIN Yichen. Creep and fatigue properties of PVDF monofilament used for hernia repair. Proceedings of 2012 International Forum of Biomedical Textile Materials, 8th-9th, June 2012, China:205-208

[16]ZHAI Wenqian,ZHANG Peihua,ZHEN Huuiying,WANG Conger. The in vitro degradation study of biodegradable intravascular stents of two different materials. Proceedings of 2012 International Forum of Biomedical Textile Materials, 8th-9th, June 2012, China:99-105

[17]WANG Biqiao, ZHANG Peihua, FANG Meihan. The study of sodium hyprochlorite surface modification to improve hydrophilic of PGA, PLA and PGLA. Proceedings of 2012 International Forum of Biomedical Textile Materials, 8th-9th, June 2012, China:123-1126

[18]WANG Shan, WANG Biqiao, ZHANG Peihua, TANG Naijie, CHEN Sishi. The effect of chitosan coating on pH value of nerve conduits during degradation. Proceedings of 2012 International Forum of Biomedical Textile Materials, 8th-9th, June 2012, China:138-140

[19]TANG Yan, ZHANG Peihua, WANG Yingchu, LIN Yichen, TANG Naijie. Thermal finalization technology of polyvinylidene fluride hernia mesh. Proceedings of 2012 International Forum of Biomedical Textile Materials, 8th-9th, June 2012, China:196-199

[20]WANG Yingchu, ZHANG Peihua, TANG Yan, LIN Yichen. Creep and fatigue properties of PVDF monofilament used for hernia repair. Proceedings of 2012 International Forum of Biomedical Textile Materials, 8th-9th, June 2012, China:205-208

[21]Yongrong Wang, Yunhua Cui, Peihua Zhang, Xunwei Feng, Jianming Shen, Qiuyuan Xiong. A smart mannequin system for the pressure performance evaluation of compression garments. Textile Research Journal, 2011,816):11131123

[22]Y RWang, J M Zheng, G Y Ren, P H Zhang, C Xu. A flexible piezoelectric force sensor based on PVDF fabrics. Smart Materials and Structures, 2011,20(3):1-7

[23]Wang Yong-rong, Zhang Pei-hua, Feng Xun-wei.A New Measurement System for Static and Dynamic Clothing Pressure. Journal of DonghuaUniversity(English Edition), 2011,28(3): 278-280

[24]Wang Yong Rong, Zhang Pei Hua, Xu Chun Ye. Develop flexible piezoelectric PVDF nano-fibrous membrane. Materials Science Forum, Advanced Material Science and Technology, v 675-677 : 465-468,2011

[25]Zhen Huiyiing, Zhai Wenqian, Xing Huici, Zhang Peihua. The preparation of biodegradable intravascular stent and the studies on the radial compression properties. Proceedings of 2011 International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials, 7th-8th,June,2011,Shanghai, China.454-457

[26]Zhai Wenqian, Zhen Huiyiing, Xing Huici, Zhang Peihua. The in vitro degradation study of two degradable intravascular stents materials. Proceedings of 2011 International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials, 7th-8th,June,2011,Shanghai, China.466-469

[27]Wang, YR; Zheng, JM; Zhang, PH, et al. Flexible Tactile Sensor Based on PVDF Fibrous Membrane. Proceedings of the second international conference on advanced textile materials & manufacturing technology , 2nd International Conference on Advanced Textile Materials & Manufacturing Technology, OCT 20-24, 2010, Zhejiang Sci-Tech Univ Hangzhou PEOPLES R CHINA : 84-87,2010

[28]Yongrong Wang, Peihua Zhang, Xunwei Feng. New method for investigating the dynamic pressure behavior of compression garment. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology. 2010,22(5):374-383

[29]Yongrong Wang, Peihua Zhang, Chunye Xu. Development flexible tactile sensor based on PVDF fibrous membrane. The Second International Conference on Advanced Textile Materials & Manufacturing Technology, 84-88, Hangzhou, October 20-24, 2010

[30]Cai Junyao, Zhang Peihua. Characterization and regression equation modelization for pores of a netty structured scaffold reinforcement for manmade tendon. Proceedings of 2010 International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials, 28th-29th,May,2010,Shanghai, China.369-373

[31]Zhang Rong, Zhang Peihua, Chen Sishi, Tang Naijie. The Research of the structure of biodegradable nerve conduit. Proceedings of 2010 International Forum on Biomedical Textile Materials, 28th-29th,May,2010, Shanghai, China.445-448

International Exchange and Cooperation

Deakin University Australiasenior visiting scholar