
Meidi Xie
发布时间: 2015-04-20


Personal profile

Meidi Xieis the associate professor and master’s supervisor of textile institute of Donghua University, engaged in the area of knitting and garment department

Teaching and lecture courses

< The Pattern Designing And Sewing of Knitting Garment >,< Fashion Design For Knitting Garment>, <Sewing of Knitting Garment>, <Computer Aided Knitting Fabric Design>, <knitting technoogy>,etc.

Educational Background and Work Experience

Sept.1981-Jul. 1985Huadong Institute of Textile Science and Technology

Bachelor’s degree


Master’s degree

Jul.1985 – Sep.1999Shanghai Textile Engineer college

Sept.1999 – presentDonghua University

Research fields

lStudy on the development and wearing Comfort of knitted fabric(from the view of new material , design and development of the fabric and design of garment , Heat and moisture comfort of knitting fabric , Clothing pressure comfort , style comfort)

lStudy on the relationship between fabric properity and apparel style

lSimulation and computer auxiliary design of knitted fabric (pattern design of knitted fabric , simulation andpattern analysis system for knitted fabric)

Honorary title:

lThe title of“ The Favorite teacher ” ,1987.

lthe development of compound talents of knitting technology and garment, the second prize of teaching achievement Shanghai ,1993

lOutstanding young teachers of Shanghai Textile Engineer College ,1995/1996

Research Projects

Once presided over and involved in some projects: Design of knitted sports wearThe survey of knitted sports wearComputer Aided Design System for Jacquard Socks, study on the development and property of light and thermal fabric, introduce of the technique standard for knitted underwear, compile the production process and product specifications for AnZheng fashion group, the design and development of knitted cashimere clothing, etc.

Teaching Study

Computer Aided Knitting Fabric Design , The excellent course construction of Donghua university, 2005

Sewing of Knitting garment, The excellent course construction of Donghua university, 2014~2015



1.Research the impact of hydrophilic soft agent on the properties of milk knitted underwear fabric. International Textile Guidance,2014,(10):48-50

2.The analysis of the shape of the A-line skirt by the decision tree. International Textile Guidance, 2013,(10):71-75

3.Study on 3D simulation ststem of knitted socks Based on OpenGL. Knitting industry2013,9):12-15

4.Development of light and thermal fabric in Sunlite fiber. Knitting industry, 2011,(12):105~107

5.New Design Concept of Tennis T-shirt.China textile leader,2011,(12)

6.Wicking Behavior and Drying Capability of Functional Knitted Fabrics. TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL,20108015):1522-1530

7.Development of knitted structures based on biomimetics for comfort clothing. Proceeding s of 2009 International Conference o Advance Fibers and Polymer Materials:638-639

8.Testing for elastic recovery property of knitted fabric, knitting industry, 2008,(11),63~65

9.Relation between cloth pressure and stretch rate of elastic knitted fabric. Progress in Textile Science & Technology, 2008, (5): 97~98

10.Study on the Pretreatment of Colorful Cotton/Linen/White Cotton Blended knitted fabrics With Enzyme. Progress in Textile Science & Technology, 2006, (6): 79~80, 84

11.Study on Computer Aided Design System for Jacquard Socks. Progress in Textile Science & Technology, 2006, (4): 58~60, 65

12.Applying Image Analysis to Test Liquid Transportability of Fabrics. Shanghai Textile Science & Technology, 2005, 33(11): 62~63

13.Study on Liquid Transportability of Cooldry Knitted Fabric. Shanghai Textile Science & Technology, 2004, 32(2): 63~64


Fabric three-dimensional pressure simulation test system


1. THE PATTERN DESIGNING OF KNITTING GARMENTChina textile publishing company. 2010

2.Knitting hand book(weft), China textile publishing company. 2012

 International Exchange and Cooperation

Visiting scholar, TextileDepartmentMinhoUniversity. Portugal (Asia-link project)

Contact information

Phone: 86-21-67792710

Fax: 86-21-67792627

email: xiemeidi @macaugaminghub.com

Address: College of Textiles, DonghuaUniversity, 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang Ditrict, Shanghai, P. R. China, 201620