
Jiang Jinhua
发布时间: 2015-04-20


Personal profile

Dr. Jiang Jinhua, associate professor, graduated from DonghuaUniversity, mainly engaged in technical textiles, novel textile processing and composite materials processing technology, textile composite properties. He has been studied and researched as a joint PhD. student in Institut fuer Verbundwerkstoffe, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany. He has been as a senior member of Chinese Society for Composite Materials, and as an advisory expert of Zhejiang ZhongfangWarp Kintting Science and Technology Research Institute, and as invited reviewers for Polymer CompositesTextile Research JournalJournal of the Textile Institute. Recent years he has been in charge of many programs such as warp knitting process and mechanical properties of semi-rigid mesh grid materials for spacecraft solar panelsfunctional tent materials manufacturing technology and industrializationinflatable material for mars pathfinder and aerospace applicationsand other research projects. In addition, Dr. Jiang is excellent at materials and microstructure of textiles composites. He has got second prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of China Textile Industry Association, and published more than 60 papers.

Teaching and lecture courses


Educational Background and Work Experience

·2011.11-, DonghuaUniversity, College of Textiles, Teacher

·2009.09-2010.09TU Kaiserslautern, Institut fuer Verbundwerkstoffe, Joint PhD studern

·2007.09-2011.06, DonghuaUniversity, College of Textiles, Doctor

·2007.03-2007.08, HTT Group, R&D

·2004.09-2007.03Donghua University, College of Textiles, Master

·2000.092004.07Wuhan Textile University, College of Textiles, Bachelor

Research fields

·Technical textiles, novel textile preforms processing, Knitted product development and performance

·Novel textile composite materials processing technology, LCM processing technology, products design and their performance

Honors and awards

·The development of glass fiber warp-knitted grid material for space semi-rigid panels, the second prize of the China textile industry association science and technology (no. 6), September 2012.

·Research on lightweight fabric reinforced conveyor, the second prize of Shanghai Cooperative Outstanding Project Award prize (no. 2), 2013.12.

·The second prize of outstanding papers in Third Oriental Pearl Award, Shanghai Textile Engineering Society , 2012.12

Guided students in extra-curricular science and technology activities

·Development of functional tent materials and manufacturing technology, 2012 National Innovation Experiment Program for University Students

·Development of wire mesh reflector antennas, 2013 National Innovation Experiment Program for University Students

Research Projects

1.The interaction mechanism of multi-scale permeability and fabric deformation in LCM. the National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program ), 2015.01-2018.12

2.Key technology of space antenna wire mesh production optimization and numerical simulation, outstanding academic leaders in Shanghai plan project, 2012.07- 2014.06.

3.Functional tent materials manufacturing technology and industrialization, national science and technology support program, 2011.01- 2013.12.

4.The research and development of pelvic floor functional reconstruction of soft tissue repair materials, national science and technology support program, 2011.01-2013.12.

5.Inflatable material for mars pathfinder and aerospace applications, Shanghai institute of space technology, 2012.03-2013.12.

6.Carbon fiber warp knit fabricsand its preparation technology status and development trend analysis. Aerospace research institute of materials & processing technology, 2012.09-2012.12

7.The development of wire mesh reflector antennas, Aerospace Science and Technology Group Corporation Xi'an Branch, 2010.01-2014.08.

8.Influence of preforming (stitching/binder) on the impregnation behaviour in liquid composite molding processes. DFG. 2009.09-2010.09

9.The research of special reinforced fabric for light conveyor belt, Shanghai alliance plan - problem project subject to tender, 2009.06 - 2013.03.

10.The development of warp knitting process and mechanical properties of semi-rigid mesh grid materials for spacecraft solar panels. 921-3 engineering project , science and technology commission of Shanghai 2004-2011


1.Gunnar Rieber , Jinhua Jiang, Carsten Deter, Nanliang Chen, Peter Mitschang. Influence of textile parameters on the in-plane Permeability[J]. Composites: Part A, 2013 52 (9): 89-98

2.J.H. Jiang, N.L. Chen. Preforms and Composites Manufactured by Novel Flax/Polypropylene Co-wrap Spinning Method[J]. Journal of Composite Materials. 2012, 46(17): 2097-2109

3.Jiang JH, Wang ZX, Chen NL. Relation of Transverse Permeability and Textile Preform Structure in Liquid Composites Moulding Processes[J]. Industria textila, 2012,63(3):159-165

4.Xiao-Ming Liu, Jin-Hua Jiang, Nan-Liang Chen, and Xun-Wei Feng. Effect of Manufacturing Parameters on the Tensile Properties and Yarn Damage of Glass Fiber Warp-knitted Net Preforms[J]. Journal of Industrial Textiles. 2009, 38(1): 233 – 249

5.Z.X. Wang, MJ.Li, J.H. Jiang, N.L. Chen,C Wang. Notch size and loading rate on the tensile behavior of woven fabric reinforced flexible composite with symmetrical double edge notch. Industria textile. 2013,64(5): 273-276

6.Zhang L, Jiang JH, Chen NL. Relationship between Knitting Parameters and Mechanical Properties of Warp Knitting Mesh Fabric[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013,627: 374-377.

7.Sui WL, Jiang JH, Chen NL. Effects of Braiding Parameters on Radial Compressive Property of Intraluminal Stents[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013,268: 213-216.

8.Z.X. Wang, J.H. Jiang, N.L. Chen. Tensile behavior of textile reinforced flexible composites with notch[J]. Industria textila.2011,62(1):24-29

9.J.H. Jiang, Z.X. Wang, N.L. Chen. Natural Fibre/Polypropylene Wrap Spun Yarns and Preforms for Structured Thermoplastic Composites[J]. Materials Science Forum. Vol. 675- 677(2). 2011: 427-430

10.J.H. Jiang, Z.X. Wang, N.L. Chen. Measurement of Transverse Permeability of Fabric Preforms Using Ultrasound Monitoring Technique in LCM Processes[J]. Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 311-313. 2011: 214-217

11.J.H. Jiang, N.L. Chen. Relation of 2D Permeability and Preform Structure Parameters[J]. Advanced Materials Research. Vol 306-307. 2011: 1678-1682

International Exchange and Cooperation

2009.9-2010.9, Institut fuer Verbundwerkstoffe, TU KaiserslauternGermany

Contact information

Phone: 86-21-67792712

Fax: 86-21-67792627

email: [email protected]

Address: College of Textiles, DonghuaUniversity, 2999 North Renmin Road, Songjiang Ditrict, Shanghai, P. R. China, 201620