
Rongwu Wan Professor
发布时间: 2015-04-20


NameRongwu WangTitleProf., advisor of PhD candidates.


Email[email protected]


2014.9, now, Prof., advisor of PhD candidates, College of Textiles, Donghua Univeristy

2010.3, 2014.9, A/Prof., advisor of PhD candidates, College of Textiles, Donghua Univeristy

2008.3, 2010.3 , Postdoc, Control Science and Engineering, Donghua Univeristy

2005.3, 2008.3 ,PhD, College of Textiles, Donghua Univeristy

Research Interest

Image process and pattern recognition

Image analysis and measurements of textiles

Structural analysis ofnonwovens

Honors and Awards

1Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of PR China, Ministry of Education, 2010, 1

2New century excellent talents, Ministry of Education, 2012, 1

3First prize, “Light of Textiles”2014 Scientific Award of China Textile Industry Association, China Textile Industry Association, 2014, 6

4Second prize, 2013 Shanghai Scientific Award, Shanghai Municipal Government, 2013 , 4

5Third prize, “Light of Textiles”2014 Scientific Award of China Textile Industry Association, China Textile Industry Association, 2013 , 3

6Advisor of Excellent Master Thesis of Donghua University, Donghua University, 2012, 1

7Advisor of Excellent Master Thesis of Donghua University, Donghua University, 2013, 1

Research Projects

12012-1-12015-12-31, National Natural Science Program (General program), 600,000

22013-1-12015-12-31, Ministry of Education (New century excellent talents), 500,000

32011-1-12015-12-31, Ministry of Education (Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of PR China), 700,000

42011-4-12014-3-31, Shanghai Sci & Tech Committee (Shanghai Natural Science Program), 100,000


1Fusing Multi-focus Images for Yarn Hairiness Measurement, Optical Engineering,Published online, Rongwu Wang , jinfeng Zhou, linjie Yu,Bugao Xu., 2014, SCI, 0.95

2Automatic Identification of Ramie and Cotton Fibers Using Characteristics in Longitudinal View, Part I: Locating Capture of Fiber Images., Textile Research Journal, 79(14):1251-1259, Rong Wu Wang, Xiong Ying Wu,Shan Yuan Wang,Bugao Xu., 2009, SCI, 1.332

3Automatic Identification of Ramie and Cotton Fibers Using Characteristics in Longitudinal View, Part II: Fiber Stripes Analysis, Textile Research Journal, 79(17):1547-1556, Rong Wu Wang,Xiong Ying Wu,Shan Yuan Wang,Bugao Xu., 2009, SCI, 1.332

4Automatic Identification of Lyocell and Cotton Fibers Using Cluster Analysis, Textile Research Journal,, 80(13):1330-1334, Rong Wu Wang, Xiong Ying Wu,Shan Yuan Wang., 2010, SCI, 1.332

5Multi-focus image fusion for enhancing fiber microscopic images, Textile Research Journal,, 82(4): 352-361, Rong Wu Wang, Xu Bugao, Zeng Peifeng, Zhang Xianmiao, 2012, SCI, 1.332

6Characterizing profiled fibers by multiscaleshape representations, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 40(3) 435 - 439, Rong Wu Wang, Tang LiPing, Zeng PeiFeng, XuBuGao, 2012, SCI, 0.349

7Stereovision for three-dimensional measurements of fabric pilling, Textile Research Journal, 81(20):2168-2179, XuBugao, Yu Wurong,

Rong Wu Wang, 2011, SCI, 1.332

8Automated Measurements of Fiber Diameters in Melt-blown Nonwovens, Journal of Industrial Textiles, Volume 43, Issue 4, April Pages 593-605, Xianmiao Zhang, Rongwu Wang, Haibo Wu, Bugao Xu., 2014 ,SCI , 1.308

9Accurate Fiber Orientation Measurements in Nonwovens Using Multi-focus Image Fusion , Textile Research Journal, , 842):115-124 , Rong Wu Wang , 

Li Cailan, XuBuGao. , 2014 ,SCI , 1.332

10Fabric pilling measurement using three-dimensional image , Journal of Electronic Imaging , 22(4):043031-1:9, Wenbin Ouyang Rong Wu Wang, XuBuGao., 2013 , SCI , 1.061

Patents and

1Automatic collection of microscopic image of axial cross-section of fibers, ZL200810204406.6, 2011.1.12

2Measurement of bonding area of thermal bonded nonwovens by image analysis, ZL200910200054.1, 2011.8.30

3Measurement of fiber diameter of meltblown nonwovens by image analysis, ZL201110165831.0, 2013.4.3

Adjunct Research Positions

Member of Shanghai Textile Association