Name:Haibo WuTitle:Senior Engineer
Email:[email protected]
1998.7-Now-Senior engineer, Deputy Dean of Nonwoven Dept., Donghua Univeristy
1985.7-1998.7 -Engineer, Nonwoven Dept., Donghua Univeristy
1981.7-1985.7 - B.sc, Textile Machinery, Donghua Univeristy
Research Interest
Development and evaluation of functional nonvowens
Design and research of nonvowen techniques and equipment
Engineering applications of nonvowens
Design of nonvowen engineering
Honors and Awards
Second prize, Scientific and technological progress ,Ministry of Education,2006
Third prize, 2013 Shanghai Scientific Award,Shanghai Municipal Government, 2013
Third prize, 2010 Jiangsui Scientific Award,Jiangsu Municipal Government,2010
Second prize, 2008 Shanghai Scientific Award,Shanghai Municipal Government ,2008
Research Projects
“Manufacturing techniques of bicomponent spunbonded nonvowens”, “manufacturing techniques of novel spunlaced nonvowens”, “novel three-dimensional, web-like healthcare materials with high moisture absorption and high permeability” and “Industrialization of spunlaced composite web forming substrates for synthetic leather”, etc.
Patents and publications
Recent publications
Packaging Bags of Peanuts with Function of Prevention of Aflatoxin B1” Journal of Donghua University (Eng.Ed.) Vol. 30,No.5 (2013)
“An analysis on the effect of fiber entanglement in the hydroentangled nonwovens and the initial research of influencing factor” 2012 Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology (SCET2012)
“The influences of hydrophilic finishing of PET fibers on the properties of hydroentangled nonwoven fabrics” Journal of engineered fibers and fabrics2010(4)
Needle punched nonwovens containing reinforcement layer ZL201210340763.1
Anti high-temperature oxidation of PPS fiber filter and its preparation method ZL201210099155.6
A novel composite diversion layer and its preparation method ZL200910049498.X
Overseas cooperation
Cooperations with University of Leeds, UC Davis and companies including Autefa, Trutzschler, Andritz, etc.