Name:ZHANG YifanTitle:Lecturer
Email:[email protected]
Personal Profile
Dr. Yifan ZHANG now is a lecturer in Knitting & Clothing Department, College of Textiles, Donghua University.
She got the PhD degree from Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In scientific research, Dr. Zhang is mainly engaged in researches on the footwear and garment design, digital textile engineering.
During the PhD study and working in PolyU, she has published 20 academic papers, 2 chapters in academic books and 2 patents. She is the journal paper reviewer of Computer-Aided Design and Textile Research Journal. She has participated in many design exhibitions in domestic and international regions and obtained 4 research projects.
Research Fields
1. Fashion Design
· Knitwear CAD
· Footwear CAD
2. Textile Engineering
· Smart Knitwear and Footwear
· Functional Textiles
· Textile Ergonomics
3. Digital Textile Engineering
· Digital Textile Detection and Control Technology
· Textile Graphics and Image Technology
· Textile Information and Management System
4.Textile Composites
· Textile Composites Manufacturing Technology
· Composite Material Design and Mechanics
· Smart Textile Composites
· Testing and Characterization of Textile Composite Material
Research Projects
1.3D Foot Scanner (PI). Donghua University. ¥50,000. (2014-01 to 2014-12)
2.State of Art System Concepts And Trial Implementation. VF Corporation. HK$1,082,000.(2013-03 to 2013-09)
3.Development of Custom Shoe-last From Foot Scan Data. Innovation and Technology Commission/HKRITA. HK$961,400.(2012-09 to 2013-03)
4.Accurate 3D Foot Shape Modeling Using Multiple Digital Images. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. HK$300,000.(2009-01 to 2009-09)
Research Publications
1.Zhang, Y. F., Luximon, A., Pattanayak, A. K., & Zhang, M. (2012). Shoe-last Design Exploration and Customization. Journal of the Textile Institute, 103(5), 541-548. UT WOS: 000303566300010. (SCI)
2.Luximon, A., Zhang, Y. F., Luximon, Y., & Ma, X. (2012). Sizing and Grading for Wearable Products. Computer-Aided Design, 44(1), 77-84. UT WOS: 000298462500009. (SCI)
3.Ma X, Zhang, Y. F., & Luximon, A. (2011). A Shoe-last Selection System Based on Fit Rating. International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, 2(4), 327-340.
4.Zhang, Y. F., Luximon, Y., & Luximon, A. (2010). An Innovative Design System for Personalized Design of Swimsuit. Journal of Donghua University, 27(5), 628-632. Accession number: 20111813956574. (EI)
5.Rout, N., Zhang, Y. F.,Khandual, A., & Luximon, A. (2010). 3D Foot Scan to Custom Shoe Last. Special Issue of IJCCT, 1, 14-18.
6.张一帆,龙海如。(2008)针织物外观平整度的小波分析与等级评定。东华大学学报(自然科学版),34(6),692-695. (源刊)
7.Zhang, Y. F., Luximon, A., Ma, X., Guo, X. L., & Zhang, M. (2011). Mass Customization Methodology for Footwear Design. Proceeding of the Third international conference on Digital human modeling, 9th - 14th July, Florida, USA. pp. 367-375. Accession number:20112914154672. (EI)
8.Ma, X., Zhang, Y. F., Zhang, M. & Luximon, A. (2012).The Alignment for Shoe-last Bottom Flattening. Advances in Applied Human Modeling and Simulation, CRC press 2012. pp. 295-304.
9.Zhang, Y. F., Ma, X. & Luximon, A. (2012). July 2012, Mauritius. Men’s Perception towards Women Wearing Fashion High Heels. Proceedings of International Textile and Apparel Sustainability Conference, 16th - 21th July, Mauritius. pp. 1-8.
10.Ma, X., Zhang, Y. F., & Luximon, A. (2012). A Preliminary Research on Improvement of 3D Foot Shape Modeling. Proceedings of International Textile and Apparel Sustainability Conference, 16th - 21th July, Mauritius. pp. 1-7.
11.Zhang, Y. F., Ma, X., & Luximon, A. (2012). Development of a Low Cost Foot Scanner for Customized Shoes. Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing, 12th - 14th Dec, Taiwan. pp. 1-6.
12.Ma, X., Luximon, A. & Zhang, Y. F. (2011).Shoe-last Deformation on Developing the Accuracy of Footwear Fitting. Proceeding of the Third international conference on Digital human modeling, 19th - 23th September, Las Vegas, USA. pp. 1644-1648.
13.Zhang, Y. F., Chu, K. K., Bhatia, M. A. & Luximon, A. (2011). Inventive Design of Discarded Plastic. 8th International Shibori Symposium, 28th Dec 2011- 2th Jan 2012, Hong Kong. pp. 206-209.
14.Ma, X., Law, Y. Y., Zhang, Y. F., & Luximon, A. (2011). Demographic Study of Slow Fashion in Hong Kong. 8th International Shibori Symposium, 28th Dec 2011- 2th Jan 2012, Hong Kong. pp. 202-205.
15.Luximon, A., Zhang, Y. F.,& Luximon, Y. (2011). Shoe Conceptual Design Using Rapid Prototyping Machine. 8th International Shibori Symposium, 28th Dec 2011- 2th Jan 2012, Hong Kong. pp. 78-80.
16.Zhang, Y. F., Luximon, Y., Wong, D. W. C., Pattanayak, A. K., & Luximon, A. (2010). Designer Centered Mass-Customization System for Swim Wear Design. Proceedings of The 8th International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering, 12th – 16th April, Ancona, Italy. pp. 1465-1473.
17.Rout, N., Zhang, Y. F., Khandual, A., & Luximon, A. (2010). 3D Foot Scan to Custom Shoe Last. Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computer, Communication Technology and Applications, 3th - 5th August, Orissa, India. pp. 14-18.
18.Zhang, Y. F., & Luximon, A. (2010). Computer Evaluation System of Woven Fabric Smoothness Based on 2D Wavelet Transform. Proceedings of The 2thInternational Conference on Advanced Textile Materials & manufacturing Technology, 15th - 19th October, Hangzhou, China. pp. 214-217.
19.Zhang, Y. F., Luximon, A. & Luximon, Y. (2010). The Research and Exploration for Customized Shoe Last Design. Proceedings of The Textile Institute Centenary Conference, 3th - 4th November, Manchester, UK. pp. 1-12.
20.Luximon, A., Pattanayak, A. K., Zhang, Y. F., Wong, D. W. C., Gabriel, H. M. H., & Ng, M. C. F. (2010). Design and Evaluation of Back Support System for Low Back Pain Relief. Proceedings of The 39th Textile Research Symposium, 16th -20th December, New Delhi, India. pp. 359-364.
1.Luximon, A., Zhang, Y. F., Ma, X.. 3D Foot Scanner: China, 201010298713.2[P]. 2013-01-30. //
2.Luximon, A., Zhang, Y. F.. Customized Back Support: China, 201220063794[P]. 2012-09-26. //
Book Chapters
1.Zhang, Y. F., & Luximon, A. (2012).Chapter 12: Shoe-last Design for Mass-customized Footwear, Handbook of Footwear Design and Manufacture. Editor: Luximon, A. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK. 236-253. ISBN-13: 978 0 85709 539 8.
2.Zhang, Y. F., Luximon, A., Ma, X., Guo, X. L., & Zhang, M. (2011). Mass Customization Methodology for Footwear Design. Digital Human Modeling. Editor: Vincent G. Duffy. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 367-375. ISBN: 978-3-642-21798-2.
1.“Golden Snake”. Footwear Design and Art Exhibition 2012. 12nd Dec 2012 - 31st Jan 2013, held in Fashion Gallery, ITC, Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
“Dragon Confused”. Footwear Design and Art Exhibition 2012. 12nd Dec 2012 - 31st Jan 2013, held in Fashion Gallery, ITC, Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
2.“Yr Strength”. Fiber art design exhibited in the new beat + Energy Nexus: International Shibori Design Exhibition, held in FoshanZumiao Museum, 17th-27th Feb 2012, Foshan Municipal Bureau of Culture Radio, Film, TV, Press and publication.
3.“B-Bridge”. Fiber art design exhibited in the new beat + Energy Nexus: International Shibori Design Exhibition, held in FoshanZumiao Museum, 17-27th Feb 2012, Foshan Municipal Bureau of Culture Radio, Film, TV, Press and publication.
4.“Yr Strength”. Fiber art design exhibited in the energy Nexus: Wearable Art International Exhibition, held in PaoYue-Kong Library, PolyU, Dec 2011 - Jan 2012, Organized by the 8th International Shibori Symposium.
5.“B-Bridge”. Fiber art design exhibited in the energy Nexus: Wearable Art International Exhibition, held in PaoYue-KongLibrary, PolyU, Dec 2011 - Jan 2012, Organized by the 8th International Shibori Symposium.
6.“∞ Infinity”. Footwear Design and Art. 2011, held in Fashion Gallery, ITC, Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
7.“Yr- Strength”. Footwear Design and Art. 2011, held in Fashion Gallery, ITC, Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
8.“HL Flexibility”. Footwear Design and Art. 2011, held in Fashion Gallery, ITC, Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
9.“Black Swan”. Footwear Design and Art. 2011, held in Fashion Gallery, ITC, Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
International Exchanges and Cooperation
International Academic Conference Report
1.2012, Mauritius, International Textile and Apparel Sustainability Conference
Title:Men’s Perception towards Women Wearing Fashion High Heels
2.2011, Florida, USA, Third International Conference on Digital Human Modeling
Title:Mass Customization Methodology for Footwear Design
3.2010, New Delhi, India, The 39th Textile Research Symposium
Title:Design and Evaluation of Back Support System for Low Back Pain Relief
4.2010, Manchester, UK, The Textile Institute Centenary Conference
Title:The Research and Exploration for Customized Shoe Last Design
Academic Part-time
Reviewer of Computer-Aided Design (SCI) and Textile Research Journal (SCI)