Changjiang Professor, Ministry of Education, ?xml:namespace>China
Dean of InternationalCultureExchangeSchool (ICES)
Director of International Cooperation Office (ICO)
DonghuaUniversity, Shanghai, China
College of Textiles Donghua University (DHU), 2999 North Ren-Min Road Songjiang, Shanghai, China, 201620
Tel: 86-21-67792661
Fax: 86-21-67792627
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: //
Honors and awards
2014: Changjiang Professor from Ministry of Education of China
2013: Second-prize of Technology Awards from China Army
2011: DonghuaUniversity Presidents Awards
2010: Distinguish Investigator of National Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
2009: Award for Advisors of National 100 Excellent Doctoral Dissertations
2007: Excellent Professors Prize awarded by Bao-Steel Education Foundation
2006: Shuguang (Dawning) Awards of ShanghaiMunicipality
2005: Recipient of the National Awards for New Century Talented Teachers in Universities of China
Professional Activities
1 .Journal Editorship
Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica
(A leading journal focused on the sciences of composite materials in China)
Editor member, 2003-present
2.Editorial Reviewer (Have reviewed articles for the following journals)
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
Composites Science and Technology
International Journal of Impact Engineering
Journal of Composite Materials
Composites (Part A)
Composites (Part B)
Textile Research Journal
Polymer Composites
Journal of Industrial Textiles
Computers and Concrete
1 Luan K, Gu BH. Energy absorption of 3-D angle-interlock woven composite under ballistic penetration based on a multi-scale finite element model. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2015, 24(1): 3-20
2 Wu LW, Gu BH, Sun BZ. Finite element analyses of four-step 3-D braided composite braided composite bending damage using repeating unit cell model. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2015, 24(1): 59–75
3 Wu LW, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Numerical analyses of bending fatigue of four-step three-dimensional rectangular-braided composite materials from unit cell approach. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2015, 106(1): 67-79
4 Lu ZQ, Wu LW, Gu BH, Sun BZ.Numerical simulation of the impact behaviors of shear thickening fluid impregnated warp-knitted spacer fabric. Composites Part B, 2015, 69: 191–200
5 Pan ZX, Gu BH, Sun BZ.Numerical analyses of thermo-mechanical behaviors of 3-D rectangular braided composite under different temperatures. The Journal of the Textile Institute, 2015, 106(2): 173–186
6 Zhang W, Pan ZX, Gideon RK, Gu BH, Sun BZ. Effects of temperature and strain rate on impact compression behaviors of three-dimensional carbon fiber/epoxy braided composites. Journal of Composite Materials, 2015, 49(7): 771-782
7 Pan ZX, Gu BH, Sun BZ. Longitudinal compressive behaviour of 3D braided composite under various temperatures and strain rates. Applied Physics A, 2015, 118(4): 1315-1337
8 Wan YM, Zhang F, Gu BH, Sun BZ, Wang YJ. Predicting dynamic in-plane compressive properties of multi-axial multi-layer warp-knitted composites with a meso-model. Composites Part B, 2015(August), 77: 278-290
9 Pan ZX, Gu BH, Sun BZ. Experimental investigation of high-strain rate properties of 3-D braided composite material in cryogenic field. Composites Part B, 2015(August), 77: 379-390
10 Jia XW, Xia ZH, Gu BH. Nonlinear numerical predictions of three-dimensional orthogonal woven composite under low-cycle tension using multiscale repeating unit cells. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2015, 24(3): 338-362
11 Wan YM, Wang YJ, Gu BH. Finite element prediction of the impact compressive properties of three-dimensional braided composites using multi-scale model. Composite Structures, 2015(September), 128: 381-394
Bohong Gu, Baozhong Sun. Mechanics of Fiber Assemblies. Donghua University Press, Shanghai, 2014.8 [553 pages] [In Chinese]
Refereed international journal papers:
1 Yang G, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Large-scale finite element analyses of 3D angle-interlock woven composite undergoing low-cyclic three-point bending fatigue. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2014, 105(3): 275-293
2 Hou Y, Neville R, Scarpa F*, Remillat C, Gu B*, Ruzzene M. Graded conventional-auxetic Kirigami sandwich structures: Flatwise compression and edgewise loading. Composites Part B, 2014, 59 (March): 33-42
3 Jin LM, Yu YM, Yao Y, Gideon R, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Fatigue damage modeling of three-dimensional angle-interlock woven composite under bending cyclic loading. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2014, 57(3): 501-511
4 Mohmmed R, Zhang F, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Static and low-velocity impact on mechanical behaviors of foam sandwiched composites with different ply angles face sheets. Journal of Composite Materials, 2014, 48(10): 1173-1188
5 Wu LW, Zhang F, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Finite element analyses on three-point low-cyclic bending fatigue of 3-D braided composite materials at microstructure level. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 84(July): 41-53
6 Sun BZ, Wang JH, Wu LW, Fang F, Gu BH. Computational schemes on the bending fatigue deformation and damage of three-dimensional orthogonal woven composite materials. Computational Materials Science, 2014(August), 91: 91-101
7 Zhang F, Liu K, Wan YM, Jin LM, Gu BH, Sun BZ. Experimental and numerical analyses of the mechanical behaviors of three-dimensional orthogonal woven composites under compressive loadings with different strain rates. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2014, 23(5): 636-660
8 Zhang F, Wu LW, Wan YM, Gideon RK, Gu BH, Sun BZ. Numerical modeling of the mechanical response of basalt plain woven composites under high strain rate compression. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2014, 33(12): 1087-1104
9 Sun BZ, Pan H, Gu BH. Tensile impact damage behaviors of co-woven-knitted composite materials with a simplified microstructure model. Textile Research Journal, 2014, 84(16): 1742-1760
10 Wu LW, Gu BH. Fatigue behaviors of four-step three-dimensional braided composite material: a meso-scale approach computation. Textile Research Journal, 2014, 84(18): 1915-1930
11 Gideon RK, Hu HJ, Wambua P, Gu BH. Characterizations of basalt unsaturated polyester laminates under static three-point bending and low-velocity impact loadings. Polymer Composites, 2014, 35(11): 2203–2213
Pibo Ma, Bohong Gu. Tensile Damage Mechanisms of CWK Composites in Frequency Domain. Saarbrucken, Deutschland / Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013 [209 pages]
[Notes: Dr. Pibo Ma is my PhD student graduated from my laboratory in 2012]
Refereed international journal papers:
1 Jin LM, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Cumulative fatigue damage for 3-D angle-interlock woven composite under three-point bending cyclic loading. International Journal of Damage Mechanics,2013, 22(1): 3-16
2 Hou YQ, Hu HJ, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Strain rate effects on tensile failure of 3-D angle-interlock woven carbon fabric. Materials & Design, 2013, 46: 857–866
3 Hou YQ, Jiang LL, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Strain rate effects of tensile behaviors of 3-D orthogonal woven fabric: experimental and finite element analysis. Textile Research Journal,2013, 83(4): 337-354
4 Mohmmed R, Zhang F, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Finite element analyses of low-velocity impact damage of foam sandwiched composites with different ply angles face sheets. Materials & Design, 2013, 47: 189-199
5 Luan K, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Ballistic impact damages of 3-D angle-interlock woven composites based on high strain rate constitutive equation of fiber tows. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2013(July), 57: 145-158
6 Wang P, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Comparisons of trapezoid tearing behaviors of uncoated and coated woven fabrics from experimental and finite element analysis. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2013, 22(4): 464-489
7 Ma PB, Hu H, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Finite element analyses of tensile impact behaviors of co-woven-knitted composite from unit-cell approach. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2013, 104(4): 446-459
8 Hou Y, Tai YH, Lira C, Scarpa F*, Yates JR, Gu B*. The bending and failure of sandwich structures with auxetic gradient cellular cores. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2013 (June), 49: 119-131
9 Yan JH, Gu BH, Sun BZ*. Dynamic response and stability of basalt woven fabric composites under impulsive compression. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2013, 32 (2): 137-144
10 Jin LM, Jin BC, Kar N, Nutt S, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Tension–tension fatigue behavior of layer-to-layer 3-D angle-interlock woven composites. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2013, 140(1): 183-190
11 Wang SN, SunBZ, Gu BH. Analytical modeling on mechanical responses and damage morphology of flexible woven composites under trapezoid tearing. Textile Research Journal, 2013, 83(12): 1297-1309
12 Sun B, Zhang Q, Zhang R, Gideon R, Gu B. Drop-weight impact damage of three-dimensional angle-interlock woven composites. Journal of Composite Materials, 2013, 47(18): 2193-2209
13 Jia XW, Xia ZH, Gu BH. Numerical analyses of 3D orthogonal woven composite under three-point bending from multi-scale microstructure approach. Computational Materials Science, 2013 (November), 79: 468-477
14 Sun BZ, Zhang Y, Gu BH.Low-velocity impact response and finite element analysis of four-step 3-D braided composites. Applied Composite Materials, 2013, 20(4): 397-413
15 Hou LM, Sun BZ, Gu BH.An analytical model for predicting stab resistance of flexible woven composites. Applied Composite Materials, 2013, 20(4): 569-585
16 Jia XW, Xia ZH, Gu BH. Nonlinear viscoelastic multi-scale repetitive unit cell model of 3D woven composites with damage evolution. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2013, 50(22-23):3539-3554
17 Lu ZQ, Jing XY, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Compressive behaviors of warp-knitted spacer fabrics impregnated with shear thickening fluid. Composites Science and Technology, 2013, 88(November): 184–189
18 Sun BZ, Yao Y, Jin LM, Gu BH. Finite element analyses of stress distributions of three-dimensional angle-interlock woven composite subjected to three-point bending cyclic loading. The Journal of the Textile Institute, 2013, 104(11): 1186-1194
19 Zhang F, Mohmmed R, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Damage behaviors of foam sandwiched composite materials under quasi-static three-point bending. Applied Composite Materials, 2013, 20(6): 1231-1246
Bohong Gu, Baozhong Sun. Impact dynamics of textile composite materials. SciencePress, Beijing, 2012.1 [549 pages] [In Chinese]
Refereed international journal papers:
1 Zhu LT, Sun BZ, Hu H, Gu BH. Ballistic impact damage of biaxial multilayer knitted composite. Journal of Composite Materials, 2012, 46(5): 527-547
2 Zhang Y, Jiang LL, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Transverse impact behaviors of four-step 3-D rectangular braided composites from unit-cell approach. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2012, 31(4): 233-246
3 Jin LM, Hu H, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Three-point bending fatigue behavior of 3D angle-interlock woven composite. Journal of Composite Materials, 2012, 46(8): 883-894
4 Jia XW, Sun BZ, Gu BH. A numerical simulation on ballistic damage of 3-D orthogonal woven fabric. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2012, 21(2): 237-266
5 Ma PB, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Impact tension damage investigation of co-woven-knitted composite from Hilbert-Huang Transform method. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2012, 21(4): 493- 523
6 Ma PB, Jiang LL, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Characterization of the tensile behaviour of a co-woven-knitted composite in the continuous and discrete frequency domain. Philosophical Magazine, 2012, 92(15): 1966-1997
7 Zhu LT, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Frequency features of basalt filament tows under quasi-static and high strain rate tension. Journal of Composite Materials, 2012, 46(11): 1285-1293
8 Jia XW, Xia ZH, Gu BH. Micro/meso-scale damage analysis of 3D orthogonal woven composites based on sub-RUCs (repeated unit cells). Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. 2012, 47(5): 313-328
9 Gan XH, Yan JH, Gu BH, Sun BZ. Impact tensile behavior and frequency response of 3D braided composites. Textile Research Journal, 2012, 82(3): 280-287
10 Wang P, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Comparison of stab behaviors of uncoated and coated woven fabrics from experimental and finite element analyses. Textile Research Journal, 2012, 82(13): 1337-1354
11 Jin LM, Niu ZL, Jin BC, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Comparisons of static bending and fatigue damage between 3D angle-interlock and 3D orthogonal woven composites. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2012, 31(14): 935-945
12 Sun BZ, Liu RQ, Gu BH. Numerical simulation of three-point bending fatigue of four-step 3-D braided rectangular composite under different stress levels from unit-cell approach. Computational Materials Science, 2012, 65:239-246
13 Zhang Y, Sun BZ, Gu BH. Experimental characterization of transverse impact behaviors of four-step 3-D rectangular braided composites. Journal of Composite Materials, 2012, 46(24): 3017-3029
14 Sun BZ, Niu ZL, Jin LM, Zhang Y, Gu BH. Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of three-point bending fatigue of 3D orthogonal woven composite. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2012, 103(12): 1312-132