Authors | Article Title | Journal | Page number | Corresponding author/affiliation | Journal of JCR partition | Impact factor | Address link of abstract |
R. A. M. Asad, W. D. Yu, Y. H. Zheng and Y. He (2015). | Characterization of prickle tactile discomfort properties of different textile single fibers using an axial fiber-compression-bending analyzer (FICBA). | Textile Research Journal. | 85(5):512-523. | Yu, WD (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, 2999 North Renmin Rd, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 3区 | 1.33 | // |
A. Azzam and W. Li (2015). | Experimental Investigation on the Impact Behaviour of Composite Laminate. | Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe. | 23(1):77-84. | Li, W (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 4区 | 0.54 | // |
T. Dong, F. M. Wang and G. B. Xu (2015). | Sorption kinetics and mechanism of various oils into kapok assembly. | Marine Pollution Bulletin. | 91(1):230-237. | Xu, GB (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, 5047 Room,2999 North Renmin Rd, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 3区 | 2.79 | // |
Z. Q. Du, M. Zhou, L. G. He and H. L. Liu (2015). | Study on negative Poisson"s ratio of auxetic yarn under tension: Part 2-Experimental verification. | Textile Research Journal. | 85(7):768-774. | Du, ZQ (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Room 5055,2999 North RenMin Rd, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 3区 | 1.33 | // |
Z. Q. Du, M. Zhou, H. L. Liu and L. G. He (2015). | Study on negative Poisson"s ratio of auxetic yarn under tension: Part 1-Theoretical analysis. | Textile Research Journal. | 85(5):487-498. | Du, ZQ (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Room 5055,2999 North RenMin Rd, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 3区 | 1.33 | // |
Y. Q. Ge, H. Jiang, J. D. Zhu, Y. Lu, C. Chen, Y. Hu, Y. P. Qiu and X. W. Zhang (2015). | High cyclability of carbon-coated TiO2 nanoparticles as anode for sodium-ion batteries. | Electrochimica Acta. | 157(142-148. | Zhang, XW (reprint author), N Carolina State Univ, Dept Text Engn Chem & Sci, Fiber & Polymer Sci Program, Raleigh, NC 27695 USA. | 2区 | 4.09 | // |
J. Hu, M. P. Prabhakaran, X. Ding and S. Ramakrishna (2015). | Emulsion electrospinning of polycaprolactone: influence of surfactant type towards the scaffold properties. | Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition. | 26(1):57-75. | Prabhakaran, MP (reprint author), Natl Univ Singapore, START Thrust 3, Create Res Wing,03-08,1 Create Way, Singapore 138602, Singapore. | 3区 | 1.36 | // |
X. Y. Hu, G. T. Shen, T. Hu, G. P. Guan and L. Wang (2015). | The significance of cadherin for cell-cell interactions and cell adhesions on biomaterials. | Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. | 29(11):1047-1059. | Wang, L (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 4区 | 1.15 | // |
G. J. Jiang, S. Zhang, Y. T. Wang and X. H. Qin (2015). | An improved free surface electrospinning with micro-bubble solution system for massive production of nanofibers. | Materials Letters. | 144(22-25. | Qin, XH (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, 2999 North Renmin Rd, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 2区 | 2.27 | // |
H. Jiang, Y. Q. Ge, K. Fu, Y. Lu, C. Chen, J. D. Zhu, M. Dirican and X. W. Zhang (2015). | Centrifugally-spun tin-containing carbon nanofibers as anode material for lithium-ion batteries. | Journal of Materials Science. | 50(3):1094-1102. | Zhang, XW (reprint author), N Carolina State Univ, Dept Text Engn Chem & Sci, Fiber & Polymer Sci Program, Raleigh, NC 27695 USA. | 2区 | 2.3 | // |
Y. Jiang, B. G. Xu and S. Y. Wang (2015). | Entropy and bulk of yarns. | Journal of the Textile Institute. | 106(2):141-145. | Xu, BG (reprint author), Univ Texas Austin, Sch Human Ecol, Austin, TX 78712 USA. | 4区 | 0.77 | // |
X. Q. Kuang, Y. B. Hu, J. P. Yang and C. W. Yu (2015). | Application of finite mixture model in cotton fiber length probability distribution. | Journal of the Textile Institute. | 106(2):146-151. | Yu, CW (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China. | 4区 | 0.77 | // |
X. Q. Kuang and C. W. Yu (2015). | Generating cotton fiber length probability density function from fiber length parameters by finite mixture model. | Journal of the Textile Institute. | 106(6):655-662. | Yu, CW (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China. | 4区 | 0.77 | // |
L. Li, X. T. Liu, X. O. Zhou, J. Hong and X. M. Zhuang (2015). | Mechanical Properties of Unidirectional Continuous Fiber Self-Reinforced Polyethylene Graded Laminates. | Polymer Composites. | 36(1):128-137. | Li, L (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201600, Peoples R China. | 3区 | 1.46 | // |
L. Li, S. V. Lomov and X. Yan (2015). | Correlation of acoustic emission with optically observed damage in a glass/epoxy woven laminate under tensile loading. | Composite Structures. | 123(45-53. | Li, L (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201600, Peoples R China. | 2区 | 3.12 | // |
X. Q. Li, N. Wang, G. Fan, J. Y. Yu, J. Gao, G. Sun and B. Ding (2015). | Electreted polyetherimide-silica fibrous membranes for enhanced filtration of fine particles. | Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. | 439(12-20. | Ding, B (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 3区 | 3.55 | // |
Z. Q. Lu, L. W. Wu, B. H. Gu and B. Z. Sun (2015). | Numerical simulation of the impact behaviors of shear thickening fluid impregnated warp-knitted spacer fabric. | Composites Part B-Engineering. | 69(191-200. | Sun, BZ (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 2区 | 2.6 | // |
K. Luan and B. H. Gu (2015). | Energy absorption of three-dimensional angle-interlock woven composite under ballistic penetration based on a multi-scale finite element model. | International Journal of Damage Mechanics. | 24(1):3-20. | Gu, BH (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 3区 | 1.72 | // |
T. J. Lv and H. R. Long (2015). | Feature matching of fancy weft knitted stitch based on modified SURF algorithm. | Textile Research Journal. | 85(7):751-758. | Long, HR (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, 2999 North Renmin Rd, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 3区 | 1.33 | // |
Y. Ma, T. Sugahara, Y. Q. Yang and H. Hamada (2015). | A study on the energy absorption properties of carbon/aramid fiber filament winding composite tube. | Composite Structures. | 123(301-311. | Yang, YQ (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 2区 | 3.12 | // |
L. N. Ndlovu, Q. Siddiqui, E. Omollo and C. W. Yu (2015). | Physical properties of plain single jersey-knitted fabrics made from blended and core-spun polysulfonamide/cotton yarns. | Textile Research Journal. | 85(3):262-271. | Yu, CW (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, 2999 North Renmin Rd, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 3区 | 1.33 | // |
Z. X. Pan, B. H. Gu and B. Z. Sun (2015). | Longitudinal compressive behaviour of 3D braided composite under various temperatures and strain rates. | Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing. | 118(4):1315-1337. | Sun, BZ (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 3区 | 1.69 | // |
Z. X. Pan, B. H. Gu and B. Z. Sun (2015). | Numerical analyses of thermo-mechanical behaviors of 3-D rectangular braided composite under different temperatures. | Journal of the Textile Institute. | 106(2):173-186. | Sun, BZ (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Minist Educ, Shanghai, Peoples R China. | 4区 | 0.77 | // |
Y. S. Si, X. Mao, H. X. Zheng, J. Y. Yu and B. Ding (2015). | Silica nanofibrous membranes with ultra-softness and enhanced tensile strength for thermal insulation. | Rsc Advances. | 5(8):6027-6032. | Ding, B (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 3区 | 3.71 | // |
P. Uawongsuwan, Y. Yang and H. Hamada (2015). | Long jute fiber-reinforced polypropylene composite: Effects of jute fiber bundle and glass fiber hybridization. | Journal of Applied Polymer Science. | 132(15):13. | Uawongsuwan, P (reprint author), Kyoto Inst Technol, Dept Adv Fibrosci, Sakyo Ku, Kyoto 6068585, Japan. | 4区 | 1.64 | // |
B. Q. Wang, P. H. Zhang, W. P. Song, L. Zhao and C. G. He (2015). | Design and properties of a new braided poly lactic-co-glycolic acid catheter for peripheral nerve regeneration. | Textile Research Journal. | 85(1):51-61. | Zhang, PH (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, 2999 North Renmin Rd, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 3区 | 1.33 | // |
H. Wang, X. Y. Jin and H. B. Wu (2015). | Adsorption and Desorption Properties of Modified Feather and Feather/PP Melt-Blown Filter Cartridge of Lead Ion (Pb2+). | Journal of Applied Polymer Science. | 132(9):8. | Wang, H (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 4区 | 1.64 | // |
W. C. Wang, F. X. Li, J. Y. Yu, P. Navard and T. Budtova (2015). | Structure and properties of novel cellulose-based fibers spun from aqueous NaOH solvent under various drawing conditions. | Cellulose. | 22(2):1333-1345. | Li, FX (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 2区 | 3.03 | // |
X. L. Wang, F. Cheng, J. Gao and L. Wang (2015). | Antibacterial wound dressing from chitosan/polyethylene oxide nanofibers mats embedded with silver nanoparticles. | Journal of Biomaterials Applications. | 29(8):1086-1095. | Gao, J (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, 2999 North Renmin Rd, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 2区 | 2.76 | // |
B. C. Wei, F. J. Xu, S. W. Azhar, W. Li, L. Y. Lou, W. Liu and Y. P. Qiu (2015). | Fabrication and property of discarded denim fabric/polypropylene composites. | Journal of Industrial Textiles. | 44(5):798-812. | Xu, FJ (reprint author), Donghua Univ, 2999 North Renmin Rd, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 4区 | 1.2 | // |
Z. Z. Wei, J. Y. Lin, F. Tian, F. X. Li and J. Y. Yu (2015). | Synchronous Stimuli of Biodegradable Poly(butylene succinate-co-terephthalate) Copolymer Via Uniaxial Stretching at Varying Temperatures. | Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics. | 53(9):640-649. | Lin, JY (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Shanghai Inst Appl Phys, Shanghai Synchrotron Radiat Facil, Shanghai 201204, Peoples R China. | 2区 | 3.8 | // |
D. Q. Wu, J. Wu, X. H. Qin and C. C. Chu (2015). | From macro to micro to nano: the development of a novel lysine based hydrogel platform and enzyme triggered self-assembly of macro hydrogel into nanogel. | Journal of Materials Chemistry B. | 3(11):2286-2294. | Qin, XH (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Textile Sci & Technol, 2999 North Renmin Rd, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 1区 | 6.63 | // |
H. H. Wu, Y. S. Zheng and Y. C. Zeng (2015). | Fabrication of Helical Nanofibers via Co-Electrospinning. | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. | 54(3):987-993. | Zeng, YC (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 2区 | 2.24 | // |
L. W. Wu, B. H. Gu and B. Z. Sun (2015). | Finite element analyses of four-step 3D braided composite bending damage using repeating unit cell model. | International Journal of Damage Mechanics. | 24(1):59-75. | Sun, BZ (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Minist Educ, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 3区 | 1.72 | // |
L. W. Wu, B. Z. Sun and B. H. Gu (2015). | Numerical analyses of bending fatigue of four-step three-dimensional rectangular-braided composite materials from unit cell approach. | Journal of the Textile Institute. | 106(1):67-79. | Gu, BH (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Key Lab High Performance Fibers & Prod, Shanghai, Peoples R China. | 4区 | 0.77 | // |
H. Y. Xu, N. L. Chen, J. H. Jiang, L. X. Jin and Z. X. Wang (2015). | 3D Simulation of Warp Knitted Structures with a New Algorithm Based on NURBS. | Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe. | 23(1):57-60. | Xu, HY (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai, Peoples R China. | 4区 | 0.54 | // |
Z. J. Xu, Y. L. Tian, H. L. Liu and Z. Q. Du (2015). | Cotton fabric finishing with TiO2/SiO2 composite hydrosol based on ionic cross-linking method. | Applied Surface Science. | 324(68-75. | Liu, HL (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai Key Lab Adv Micro & Nano Text Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 2区 | 2.54 | // |
L. Yao and Y. P. Qiu (2015). | Design and electromagnetic properties of conformal single-patch microstrip antennas integrated into three-dimensional orthogonal woven fabrics. | Textile Research Journal. | 85(6):561-567. | Qiu, YP (reprint author), Donghua Univ, 2999 N Renmin Rd, Songjiang 201620, Peoples R China. | 3区 | 1.33 | // |
Y. Y. Zhai, K. Xiao, J. Y. Yu and B. Ding (2015). | Fabrication of hierarchical structured SiO2/polyetherimide-polyurethane nanofibrous separators with high performance for lithium ion batteries. | Electrochimica Acta. | 154(219-226. | Ding, B (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 2区 | 4.09 | // |
C. H. Zhang, Y. Z. Liang, L. Yao and Y. P. Qiu (2015). | Effect of thermal treatment on the properties of electrospun LiFePO4-carbon nanofiber composite cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. | Journal of Alloys and Compounds. | 627(91-100. | Qiu, YP (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai Key Lab Adv Micro & Nano Text Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 2区 | 2.73 | // |
L. S. Zhang, H. L. Liu and W. D. Yu (2015). | Effect of air plasma treatment on the dyeing of Tencel fabric with CI Reactive Black 5. | Applied Surface Science. | 328(501-508. | Liu, HL (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 2区 | 2.54 | // |
Q. Zhang, Y. J. Jiang, L. Yao, Q. R. Jiang and Y. P. Qiu (2015). | Hydrophobic surface modification of ramie fibers by plasma-induced addition polymerization of propylene. | Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. | 29(8):691-704. | Jiang, QR (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Key Lab Text Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai, Peoples R China. | 4区 | 1.15 | // |
W. Zhang, Z. X. Pan, R. K. Gideon, B. H. Gu and B. Z. Sun (2015). | Effects of temperature and strain rate on impact compression behaviors of three-dimensional carbon fiber/epoxy braided composites. | Journal of Composite Materials. | 49(7):771-782. | Sun, BZ (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Text Sci & Technol, Coll Text, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 4区 | 1.26 | // |
A. J. Zhou, H. L. Liu and Z. Q. Du (2015). | Secondary structure estimation and properties analysis of stretched Asian and Caucasian hair. | Skin Research and Technology. | 21(1):119-128. | Liu, HL (reprint author), Donghua Univ, Coll Text, Shanghai Key Lab Adv Micro & Nano Text Mat, Shanghai 201620, Peoples R China. | 4区 | 1.54 | // |