

1. 棉纺全流程万锭工业化试验工程,国家七五重点项目,主要参与者,1986.1-1988.12

2. 清花和梳棉连续化工艺与设备的研制,国家纺织部八五新技术项目,主要参与人,1989.7-1991.12

3. 细旦涤纶与苎麻纤维混纺工艺与产品开发,国家科技部九五攻关项目,课题负责人,1996.1-1999.9,10万

4. 羊毛纱线结构优化技术(集聚纺纱技术),国家经贸委十五技术创新项目,课题负责人,2000.1-200312,15万

5. 染整新技术及新型大豆蛋白纤维加工工艺研究(2004BA304B05-03),国家十五科技攻关计划,主要参与者,2004.7-2007.6,20万

6. 竹浆纤维纺织印染加工关键技术(2007BAE41B04),国家十一五科技支撑计划,主要参与者,2007.12-2010.6,25万

7. 精细化黄麻纤维纺织印染加工关键技术(2007BAE41B00),国家十一五科技支撑计划,课题负责人,2007.6-2010.1,50万

8. 基于流场模拟的喷气涡流纺非线性陀螺旋转气流理论研究(10872047),国家自然科学基金委员会,2009.1.- 2011.12,课题负责人,33万

9. 新型超仿棉聚酯纤维纺织染整关键技术及产品开发 (2011BAE05B04),国家十二五科技支撑计划,2011.1-2014.12,主要参与人,55万

10. 高品质热湿舒适纺织品制备关键技术(2017YFB0309100),国家十三五重点研发计划项目,2017.7-2021.6,项目负责人,1890万


1. Longdi Cheng, Peihua Fu, Xiuye Yu, Relation Between Twist Amplitude and Breaking Strength of Solospun Yarns, Textile Research Journal, 74(4)351-353(2004);

2. Longdi Cheng,Peihua Fu,Xuiye Yu,Relationship Between Hairiness and the Twisting Principles of Solospun and Ring Spun Yarns,Textile Research Journal,September 2004,pp763-766;

3. 李伟伟,程隆棣,崔萍,牵切羊毛的性能比较与分析,纺织标准与质量,2005/5,pp20-23;

4. 傅培花,程隆棣,王善元,集聚纺技术中气流速度场中的数值模拟,青岛大学学报,2005年12月,pp74~79;

5. 邹专勇,俞建勇,薛文良,程隆棣,解析法评价旋转气流对喷气涡流纺的加捻强度,纺织学报,2008,5,19-21;

6. 邹专勇,俞建勇,薛文良,程隆棣,喷气涡流纺纱线细节产生机理分析,纺织学报,2008,7,21-26;

7. 梁方阁,程隆棣,刘燕,刘小珍,邵楠,彩棉喷气涡流纺纱线应力松弛机理分析,纺织学报,2008,8,27-29;

8. Zhuan Yong Zou, Long Di Cheng, Wen Liang Xue, Jian Yong Yu, A Study of the Twisted Strength of the Whirled Airflow in Murata Vortex Spinning,Textile Research Journal, January. 2008,78(8), 682-687;

9. Zhuan Yong Zou, Jian Yong Yu, Long Di Cheng, Wen Liang Xue, A Study of Generating Yarn Thin Places of Murata Vortex Spinning, Textile Research Journal, January. 2009,79 (1), 129-137;

10. 邹专勇,汪燕,俞建勇,竺韵德,邬建明,程隆棣,网格圈集聚纺纱系统三维流场表征与分析,纺织学报,2009,6,24-28;

11. Zhuanyong Zou,Jianyong Yu,Wenliang Xue,Yunde Zhu,Jianming Wu,Longdi Cheng,Analysis of the Fiber Spatial Trajectory in Vortex Spun Yarn,Textile Research Journal,(Vol. 79)No. 10, 924-929 (2009);

12. 汪燕,邹专勇,华志宏,竺韵德,程隆棣,网格圈型集聚纺集聚区纤维运动轨迹模拟分析,纺织学报,2009,10,48-52;

13. Xichang Zhang,Zhuanyong Zou,Longdi Cheng,Numerical Study of the Three-dimensional Flow Field in Compact Spinning with Inspiratory Groove,Textile Research Journal,Volume 80 Issue 1,January 2010,84-92;

14. 汪燕,华志宏,程隆棣,薛文良,网格圈型集聚纺集聚区工艺参数对集聚效果的影响,纺织学报,2010,2,27-32;

15. Zhuan Yong Zou,Long Di Cheng,Zhihong Hua,A numerical approach to simulate fiber motion trajectory in an air flow field with Perforated Drum,Textile Research Journal,(Vol. 80)No. 3, 2010,395-402;

16. 刘世瑞,华志宏,程隆棣,气流槽聚型集聚纺纱条捻度传递的力学分析,纺织学报,2010,(31)4,117-120;

17. 高金霞,华志宏,程隆棣,网眼罗拉集聚纺集聚效果的影响因素,纺织学报,2010,(31)5,112-116;

18. Zhuan Yong Zou,Yufeng Guo,Shaoming Zhen, Long Di Cheng, Shirui Liu,Model of the Yarn Twist Propagation in Compact Spinning with a Pneumatic Groove,FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe,2011, Vol.19, No.1(84),30-33;

19. SM Zheng, ZY Zou, W Shen and LD Cheng, A Study of the fiber distribution in yarn cross section for vortex-spun yarn, Textile research Journal, Sep 2012 (Vol. 82), pp1579-1586;

20. Wenyu Li,Wenliang Xue,Longdi Cheng,Intelligent detection of defects of yarn-dyed fabrics by energy-based local binary patterns,Textile research Journal, Nov 2012 (Vol. 82,Issue 19), pp1960-1972;

21. Jiang Xiao,Wang Qin,Yu Jianyong,Cheng Longdi, Blending Ratio Analysis of Akund/Cotton Blended Yarn Based on Micro Projection,Journal of Donghua University,6,2012(Vol.29,No.6),pp520-523;

22. Xiao Jiang, Longdi Cheng,Jianyong Yu, Qin Wang,Elena Stojanovska,Sanwen Xu,Relationship between akund fibers’ carding and sliver quality,Advanced materials Research,Vols. 476-478(2012)pp2014-2019;

23. Wenyu Li,longdi Cheng,Wenliang Xue,Automatic Defect of Yarn-dyed Fabrics Based on Energy Fusion and Local Binary Patterns,Advanced materials Research,Vols.472-475(2012)pp3039-3042;

24. Hongcai Ma,Longdi Cheng,Shiping Xu,Influence of Technological Parameter for Ramie Yarn Hairiness on Compact Spinning with Suction Groove,Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vol.217-219(2012)pp1695-1698;

25. Wenyu Li, Wenliang Xue, Longdi Cheng, Intelligent detection of defects of yarn-dyed fabrics by energy-based local binary patterns, Textile research journal, 82(19)1960-1972, May 2012;

26. Chenchen Han, Mengyuan Wei, Wenliang Xue, Longdi Cheng, Numerical Simulation of Fiber Strands on Condensing Effect of Suction Slot inCompact Spinning with Lattice Apron, Fibers and Polymers, 2014, Vol.15, No.5, 1084-1091

27. Chenchen Han, Wenliang Xue, Longdi Cheng and Zhuanyong Zou, Comparative analysis of different jet vortex spinning hollow spindle groove structures on yarn mechanism and yarn properties, Textile Research Journal. 2015

28. Chenchen Han, Wenliang Xue, Longdi Cheng, Comparative analysis of traditional jet vortex spinning and self-twist jet vortex spinning on yarn mechanism and yarn properties, Textile Research Journal. 2015

29. Chenchen Han, Wenliang Xue, Longdi Cheng and Zhuanyong Zou, Theoretical analysis of the yarn fracture mechanism of self-twist jet vortex spinning, Textile Research Journal. 2016

30. 崔玉梅,程隆棣,肖远淑,云南野生牛角瓜纤维的吸湿与吸水性,纺织学报,2016-07-15,

31. Linlin Yan, Zhuanyong Zou, Longdi Cheng, Guo Wei, Peijun Tang. Numerical simulation of flow field in the twisting chamber of Murata vortex spinning based on the hollow spindle with different structures, Textile Research Journal, 2018, 89(4): 645-656

32. Jianlei Zhang, Yunying Liu, Longdi Cheng. Structural Changes and Growth Factors of China’s Textile Industry: 1997-2012. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2018, 2(128):20-25



1. 专利

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(2) 毛羽扩散式平行股线制作装置,ZL200710043810.5

(3) 带有分散针排的绳状麻牵切细化加工设备,ZL200810040453.X

(4) 凸轮式高频振动摩擦纺制平行股线的新型装置,ZL200810040752.5

(5) 低落纤的喷气涡流纺装置,ZL200810038025.5

(6) 喷气涡流纺专用自捻空心锭,ZL200910119084.6

(7) 一种纱线在高速气流作用下的毛羽状态测试装置,ZL200910196462.4

(8) 一种采用高频针刺方法提高单纱强力的装置,ZL201110105351.5

(9) 一种采用气刺方式提高环锭纱强力的装置,ZL 201110105350.0

(10) 一种采用针辊方式提高环锭纺单纱强力的装置,ZL 201110105348.3

(11) 一种错位金属针布,ZL201110104350.9

(12) 一种强捻棉纱线的加工方法,ZL201110090470.8

(13) 一种新型高效环锭纺纱装置和方法,ZL 201310121382.9

(14) 一种携有预加捻器的环锭纺纱装置和方法,ZL 201310122177.4

(15) 一种集聚赛络纺专用双缝式集聚气体导流装置,ZL 2015 1 0458510.8

(16) 一种刺辊用高效金属锯条,ZL2016 1 0157244.X

(17) 一种增加赛络纺中单纱捻度的加工装置及方法,ZL201611092515.4

(18) 一种测试梳棉机主梳区内气流参数的装置及其测试方法,ZL201610283451.X


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