教育背景 |
2013.01-2015.12 美国西弗吉尼亚大学 机械工程 博士 2009.09-2012.07 中国科学院微电子研究所 微电子工程 硕士 2005.09-2009.07 北京交通大学 微电子工程 学士 |
工作经历 |
2017.03-至今 澳门线上赌场 研究员、博士生导师 2016.04-2017.02 美国伯克利国家实验室 博士后 2016.02-2017.04 美国西弗吉尼亚大学 博士后 |
(1) 纳米非织造技术;
(2) 无机纳米纤维材料制备;
(3) 柔性固态锂电池/柔性电子器件
(1) 国家优秀青年科学基金(交叉学部),主持(2022-2024);
(2) 中央高校基本科研业务费学科交叉重点项目,主持(2021-2023);
(3) 上海市青年科技启明星,主持(2020-2023);
(4) 国家重点研发计划课题2,主持(2019-2022);
(5) 国防科技工业强基工程军工攻关专项课题,主持(2019-2021);
(6) 企业联合固态锂电池产品研发项目,主持(2019-2024)
(7) 大金氟化工横向课题,主持、已结题(2019);
(8) 国家青年托举人才工程,主持、已结题(2018-2020);
(9) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,主持、已结题(2018-2020);
(10) 教育部纺织面料技术重点实验室重点课题,主持、已结题(2018);
(11) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金,主持、已结题(2017-2019)
(1) 闫建华, K. Dong, X. Wang, A. Aboalhassan, J. Yu and B. Ding, Multifunctional Flexible Membranes from Sponge-Like Porous Carbon Nanofibers with High Conductivity. Nature Commnunications 2019, 10, 5584.
(2) 闫建华, Y. Zhang, S. Liu, Y. Zhao, J. Song, J. Yu and B. Ding, Transformation of Oxide Ceramic Textiles from Insulation to Conduction at Room Temperature. Science Advances, 2020, 6, aay8538.
(3) Y. Zhang, S. Liu, 闫建华*, X. Zhang, S. Xia, Y. Zhao, J. Yu and B. Ding, Superior Flexibility in Oxide Ceramic Crystal Nanofibers. Advanced Materials 2021, 2105011.
(4) 闫建华, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Yu, B. Ding. Direct Magnetic Reinforcement of Electrocatalytic ORR/OER with the Electromagnetic Induction of Magnetic Catalysts. Advanced Materials 2020, 33, 2007525.
(5) S. Liu, Y. Zhao, X. Li, J. Yan, J. Yu, 闫建华* and B. Ding. Long-Cycling Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries Enabled by Dynamically Self-Adaptive Interfaces. Advanced Materials 2021, DOI:10.1002/adma.202008084.
(6) 闫建华, X. Liu, B. Li, J. Yu, B. Ding. Mixed Ionic and Electronic Conductor for Li-Metal Anode Protection. Advanced Materials 2018, 7, 201705105.
(7) 闫建华*, Y. Huang, Y. Zhang, W. Peng, S. Xia, J. Yu, B. Ding*. Facile Synthesis of Bimetallic Fluoride Heterojunctions on Defect-Enriched Porous Carbon Nanofibers for Efficient ORR Catalysts. Nano Letters 2021, org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c00242
(8) S. Xia, Y. Zhao, 闫建华*, J. Yu, B. Ding. Dynamic Regulation of Lithium Dendrite Growth with Electromechanical Coupling Effect of Soft BaTiO3 Ceramic Nanofiber Films. ACS Nano 2021, 15, 3161.
(9) X. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhao, G. Li, 闫建华*, J. Yu, B. Ding. A General Strategy to Fabricate Flexible Oxide Ceramic Nanofibers with Gradient Bending‐Resilience Properties. Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 2103989.
(10) 闫建华*, Y. Han, S. Xia, X. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Yu, B. Ding*, Polymer Template Synthesis of Flexible BaTiO3 Crystal Nanofibers, Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29, 1907919.
(11) Y. Zhao, 闫建华*, Y. Lai, W. Cai, J. Song, J. Yu, B. Ding. Elastic and Well-Aligned Ceramic LLZO Nanofiber Based Electrolytes for Solid-State Lithium Batteries. Energy Storage Materials 2019, 23, 306.
(12) Y. Lai, Y. Zhao, W. Cai, J. Song, Y. Jia*, B. Ding, 闫建华*. Constructing Ionic Gradient and Lithiophilic Inter-phase for High Rate Li-Metal Anode. Small 2019, 15, 1905171.
(13) 闫建华*, Y. Zhao, X. Wang, S. Xia, Y. Zhang, Y. Han, J. Yu and B. Ding*. Polymer Template Synthesis of Soft, Light and Robust Oxide Ceramic Films. iScience 2019, 15, 185.
(14) A. Aboalhassan, Y. Zhao, K. Dong, X. Wang, 闫建华*, J. Yu, B. Ding. Self-assembled Porous-Silica within N-doped Carbon Nanofibers as Ultra-Flexible Anodes for Soft Lithium Batteries. iScience 2019, 16, 122.
(15) Y. Zhao, B. Chen, S. Xia, 闫建华*, J. Yu, B. Ding. Selective Nucleation Behavior and Targeted Deposition Effect of Lithium Metal in Lithium-Host Anode. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D0TA11643B.
(16) S. Xia, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhao, X. Wang, 闫建华*. Hierarchical Porous Carbon Nanofibers with Tunable Geometries and Porous Structures Fabricated by a Scalable Electrospinning Technique. ACS Applied Materials & Interface 2021, 13, 44768.
(17) Y. Zhao, Y. Lai, Y. Zhang, B. Ding, J. Yu and闫建华*. Self-Assembled Conductive Metal-Oxide Nanofiber Interface for Stable Li-Metal Anode. ACS Applied Materials & Interface 2019, 11, 44124.
(18) C. Wei, J. Tang*, G. Xu, S. Xia, N. Ye, Y. Zhao and闫建华*. Electroless Deposition of Automatically Shedded Thin Copper Foils. ACS Applied Materials & Interface 2020, 12, 28831.
(19) S. Liu, H. Shan, S. Xia, 闫建华*, J. Yu and B. Ding*. Polymer Template Synthesis of Flexible SiO2 Nanofibers to Upgrade Composite Electrolytes. ACS Applied Materials & Interface 2020, 12, 31439.
(20) X. Wang, S. Liu, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, A. Aboalhassan, G. Li*, G. Xu, C. Xue, J. Yu, 闫建华*, B. Ding*. Highly Elastic Block Copolymer Binder for Silicon Anodes in Lithium-ion Batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interface 2020, 12, 34, 38132.
(21) Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, 闫建华*, J. Yu, B. Ding. One-Step Synthesis of Macroporous Cu-g/C3N4 Nanofiber Electrocatalyst for Efficient Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Chemical Communications 2020, 56, 14087.
(22) W. Cai#, Y. Zhang#, Y. Jia* and闫建华*. Flexible Heteroatom-Doped Porous Carbon Nanofiber Cages for Electrode Scaffolds. Carbon Energy, 2020, 2, 472.
[1] 闫建华,无机纳米纤维能源材料,第7届全国储能工程大会,2021.10.10-12,(邀请报告)
[2] 闫建华,静电纺无机纳米纤维材料,第6届全国静电纺丝会议,2021.05.28-30,(邀请报告)
[3] 闫建华,柔性固态锂电池,第2届国际电化学能源系统会议,2021.05.14-17,(邀请报告)
[4] 闫建华,柔性多孔碳纳米纤维能源材料,2020年先进能源材料与器件国际大会,2020.12.04-06,(邀请报告)
[5] 闫建华,无机纳米纤维结构调控及电化学性能分析,第20次全国电化学大会,2019.10.25-28,(邀请报告)
[6] 闫建华,碳纳米纤维结构调控及功能化研究,第4届中国国际复合材料科技大会超细纤维材料分会,2019.11.28-30,(邀请报告)
[7] 闫建华,静电纺柔性碳纳米纤维笼材料,第15届亚洲纺织会议暨第九届中国纺织学术年会,2019.07.23-26,(邀请报告)
[8] 闫建华,柔性微纳米纤维的可控制备及其在可穿戴能源器件中的应用,第三届丝绸之路能源催化科学与技术研讨会暨可持续发展中的环境与能源催化翠湖学者论坛,重庆,2018.07.16-20(邀请报告)
[9] 闫建华,Constructing Soft and Solid-State Lithium Batteries with Electrospinning Techniques. 2018 International Conference on Hybrid Materials, Jeonju, Korea, Dec 05-08, 2018(邀请报告)
[10] 闫建华,J. Yu, B. Ding. Constructing Soft and Solid-State Lithium Batteries with Electrospinning Techniques. Electrospinning 2018 International Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Jan 16-18, 2018(邀请报告)
[11] 闫建华,B. Ding, J. Yu. A Strategy to Make Flexible Carbon Nanofibrous Electrodes for Flexible Li-ion Batteries. The Twenty-Sixth International Conference on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials, Jeonju, Korea, Oct 16-20, 2017 (邀请报告)
[12] 闫建华*,B. Ding, J. Yu. One-dimensional Carbon Nanofibers Promise Better Soft Lithium Batteries. 15th Biennial Bayreuth Polymer Symposium, Bayreuth, Germany, Sep 16-21, 2017(邀请报告)
[13] 闫建华,B. Ding, J. Yu. Electrospun Nanofibers Promise Better Soft Lithium Batteries. Proceedings of the 9th Japan-China-Korea International Symposium for High-Tech Fiber Engineering for Young Researcher, Ueda, Nagano, Japan, Aug 20-24, 2017(邀请报告)
[1] 闫建华, X. Liu, B. Li, Multilayered Sulfur Composite Cathodes for Lithium Sulfur Batteries. US Pub. No. 2016/0172667 A1; Pub. Data: Jun. 16, 2016; Appl. No. 14/960.998.
[2] 闫建华, X. Liu, B. Li, Open Structure of Carbon Fiber Paper Based Electrode Enable High Sulfur Loading Lithium Sulfur Batteries. US Provisional No. 62426757.
[3] 闫建华, 等,柔性陶瓷纳米纤维膜及制备方法和应用,授权公告号:CN 109346651 B
[4] 闫建华, 等,一种柔性钛酸钡陶瓷纳米纤维膜的制备方法,授权公告号:CN 110512354 B
[5] 闫建华, 等,固态锂镧锆氧陶瓷纳米纤维电解质薄膜及其制备,授权公告号:CN 108511793 B
[6] 闫建华, 等,一种柔性锂镧钛氧陶瓷纳米纤维膜材料及其制备方法,授权公告号:CN 109056194 B
国家优青 (2020)
中国科协青年托举人才 (2018)
上海市海外高层次人次(创新长期) (2019)
上海市青年科技启明星 (2020)
上海市长宁区青年科技创新英才 (2020)
中国十大新锐科技人物突出贡献奖 (2020)
上海市青年联合会 第12届委员(2019.03-至今)
上海市松江区青年联合会 第5界副主席(2020.12-至今)
东华大学学报(自然科学版) 编委、专刊编辑 (2020-至今)