Yi Ding*, Renzo Shamey, Lisa-Parrrillo Chapman, Harold Freeman, “Pretreatment Effects on Pigment-based Textile Inkjet Printing – Color Gamut and Crockfastness Properties”, Coloration Technology, in press, DOI: 10.1111/cote.12377.
Yi Ding*, Lisa-Parrillo Chapman, Harold Freeman, “A study of the effects of fabric pretreatment on color gamut from inkjet printing on Polyester”, Journal of the Textile Institute, 7 Dec 2017 DOI: 10.1080/00405000.2017.1415623
Yi Ding*, Lisa Parrillo-Chapman, Harold S. Freeman Develop the Methodology for Color Gamut Analysis and Print Quality Evaluations for Textile Inkjet Printing: Delphi Method”, Coloration Technology, November, 2017.DOI: 10.1111/cote.1231
Yi Ding*, Harold Freeman, Lisa Parrillo-Chapman, “Color gamut and color fastness evaluation for textile inkjet printing application on polyester”, Journal of Image Science and Technology, September 2017. Page 50503-1-50503-8(8), DOI: //doi.org/10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2017.61.5.050503
Yi Ding*, Harold S. Freeman, “Mordant Dye Application on Cotton”, Coloration Technology, 13 June 2017. Page 369-375, DOI: 10.1111/cote.12288
Yavuz Caydamli, Yi Ding, Abhay Joijode, Shanshan Li, Jialong Shen, Jiadeng Zhu, and Alan E. Tonelli* “Estimating Monomer Sequence Distributions in Tetrapolyacrylates” Macromolecules, December 2014
Jihye Lim, Malgorzata Szymczyk, Nahid Mehraban, Yi Ding, Lisa Chapman, Ahmed El-Shafei, Harold S. Freeman, “Spectral and X-ray analyses of Photostable Scarlet Disperse Dyes for Digital Printing on PET Fibers”, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1161(5) Page 254, June, 2018 DOI: //doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2018.02.028
Yi Ding *, Nahid Meraban, Malgorzata Szymczyk, Lisa Parrillo-Chapman, Ahmed El-Shafei, Harold S. Freeman “Molecular properties of photostable dyes for digital printing: anthraquinone blue dyes for hydrophobic fibers” Journal of molecular structure, under review
Yi Ding*, Lisa Parrillo-Chapman, Harold S. Freeman, Textile inkjet printing to support US manufacture reshoring, NIP (Digital Printing and Fabrication) Conference, Manchester, UK, September 2016.
Yi Ding*, Harold Freeman, “Mordant dyes application on cotton fabric”, Proceedings of the AATCC International Conference & Exhibition, Asheville, NC, April 2014