2003.9-2008.10:澳门线上赌场 ,博士
2006.6~2007.12:法国鲁贝高等澳门线上赌场 GEMTEX实验室,交换生
2008.11~2010.12 澳门线上赌场 ,博士后
2008.12~2010.8 香港理工大学纺织制衣系,博士后
2011.1~至今 澳门线上赌场 ,教师
4.可伸缩柔性混合传感纱电气特性的工艺调控及原理, 上海市自然科学基金,2022
15.Siren Care智能纺织--包覆线编织电线自动化生产技术,企业委托,2018
20.织物基UHF RFID 标签制备技术研究及其应用, 企业委托,2016
21.基于穿着衣物主客观保暖评价方法研究, 企业委托, 2015
[1]Zheng Cong, Hu Jiyong*, Jiang Jinhua. Effect of fabric structure on the performance of screen-printed ultra-high frequency radio frequency identification tag antenna for wireless radio frequency energy harvesting, Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2022, //doi.org/10.1177/15280837221109641
[2]Zhang Yong, Meng Fenye, Hu Jiyong*, Yan Xiong, Yang Xudong. The Influence of structure uniformity on resonant frequency of ultra-high frequency radio frequency identification tag thread with normal mode helix dipole antenna, Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2022, //doi.org/10.1177/15280837221123592
[3]Zhang Yong, Meng Fenye, Hu Jiyong*, Yan Xiong, Yang Xudong. Physical relationship between resonant frequency and structure parameters of normal mode helix dipole antenna for UHF RFID tag thread, Textile Research Journal, 2022,online
[4]马国栋,郭雯静,胡吉永*. 高密机织物表面特性对电喷印电线成形性和导电性的影响.[J].丝绸, 2022,在线
[6]Huang Fei, Hu Jiyong*, Yan Xiong, Meng Fenye. High-linearity, ultralow-detection-limit and rapid-response strain sensing yarn for data gloves. Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2022, 2022, 51(3S): 4554S–4570S
[7]郑聪,胡吉永*等,可穿戴NFC织物天线及能量传输的研究进展,东华大学学报(自然科学版),2021, 47(5):37-46,67
[8]Zhang YaYa, Hu Jiyong*, Yan Xiong, Tu Huating, The prediction of loss tangent of sewed multilayer fabric, Textile Research Journal, 2021, DOI: 10.1177/00405175211064249
[9]Zhang Yaya, Hu Jiyong*, The equivalent resistance model of double-layer embroidered conductive lines on nonwoven fabric, Journal of Industrial Textile, 2021, DOI: 10.1177/15280837211049481
[10]Jiang Lihong, Hong Hong, Hu Jiyong*, Xiong Yan, Fabrication and seamless integration of insensitive-bending fully-printed all-in-one fabric-based supercapacitors based on cost-effective MWCNTs electrodes, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14(10): 12214-12222
[11]Jiang Lihong, Hong Hong, Hu Jiyong*, Xiong Yan. Development of flexible supercapacitors with coplanar integrated multi-walled carbon nanotubes/textile electrode and current collectors, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2022, 33:5297–5310
[12]Guo Wenjing, Hu Jiyong*, Yan Xiong. Influence of process parameters on the characteristics of electrohydrodynamic-printed UV-curing conductive lines on the fabric, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2022, 32(34): 035003.
[13]Fei Huang, Jiyong Hu*, Xiong Yan. Review of Fiber- or Yarn-Based Wearable Resistive Strain Sensors: Structural Design, Fabrication Technologies and Applications [J]. Textiles, 2022, 2(1), 81-111
[14]Guo Wenjign, Hu Jiyong*, Yan Xiong. Effect of solvent evaporation rate of silver ink on the electrohydrodynamic-printing formability of textile-based printing electronics, Textile Research Journal, 2022, 92(5-6): 886-896
[16]张千,胡吉永*,杨旭东,丝网印刷织物基UHF RFID标签的耐洗涤性研究进展,现代纺织技术,2021,29(5):62-70
[17]张千,彭飞,胡吉永*,杨旭东等,丝印织物基UHF-RFID标签的耐机洗性及涂层优化,东华大学学报(自然科学版). 2021,47(03):60-67
[18]Jiang Lihong, Hong Hong, Hu Jiyong, Yan Xiong*. Facile thermoplastic polyurethane-based multi-walled carbon nanotube ink for fabrication of screen-printed fabric electrodes of wearable e-textiles with high adhesion and resistance stability under large deformation. Textile Research Journal, 2021, 91(21-22): 2487-2499
[19]Hong Hong, Jiang Lihong, Tu Huating, Hu Jiyong*, Moon Kyoung-Sik, Yan Xiong, Wong Ching-ping. Rational design and evaluation of UV curable nano-silver ink applied in highly conductive textile-based electrodes and flexible silver-zinc batteries, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 101: 294-307
[20]Tu Huating, Zhang Yaya, Hong Hong, Hu Jiyong* & Ding Xin. Design and Characterization of Novel Fabric-based Multi-resonators for Wearable Chipless RFID Applications, Textile Research Journal, 2021, 91(15-16): 1830-1840
[21]Hong Hong, Jiang Lihong, Tu Huating, Hu Jiyong*, Yan Xiong. Formulation of UV curable nano-silver conductive ink for direct screen-printing on common fabric substrates for wearable electronic applications, Smart Materials and Structures, 2021, 30(4): 045001
[22]Hong Hong, Hu Jiyong*, Moon K S, Yan Xiong, Wong C. Rheological properties and screen printability of UV curable conductive ink for flexible and washable E-textiles Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 67: 145-155
[23]Tu Huating, Hu Jiyong*, Ding Xin. Measurement of the Conductivity of Screen Printing Films at Microwave Frequency Employing Resonant Method, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2021, 50: 521–527
[24]Yang Xudong, Chen Yinxue, Hu Jiyong*. Effect of stitch structure on reading performance of fabric-based embroidered UHF RFID tags, FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, 2021, 29(2): 45-51
[25]Tu Huating, Zhang Yaya, Hong Hong, Hu Jiyong * & Ding Xin: A strip line ring resonator for dielectric properties measurement of thin fabric, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2021, 112(11): 1772-1778
[26]Zhang Yaya, Hu Jiyong*, Yan Xiong. Dielectric constants of sewed multilayer fabric for wearable e-textiles, Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2020, DOI: 10.1177/1528083720915542
[27]Zhang Yong, Hu Jiyong*, Yan Xiong, Yang Xudong. Structure optimization of UHF RFID tag thread based on normal mode helix dipole antenna, Textile Research Journal, 2021, 91(5-6): 523-32
[28]Zhang Yaya, Hu Jiyong*, Yan Xiong*. Equivalent model of the DC resistance of nonwoven-based embroidery conductive lines with embroidery parameters, FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, 2020; 28(2): 35-42
[29]Hong Hong, Hu Jiyong*, Yan Xiong. Effect of the basic surface properties of woven lining fabric on printing precision and electrical performance of screen-printed conductive lines, Textile Research Journal, 2020,90(11-12):1212-1223
[30]Hong Hong, Hu Jiyong*, Yan Xiong. UV curable conductive ink for the fabrication of textile-based conductive circuits and wearable UHF RFID tags, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(30):27318−27326
[31]Nie Wenqi, Weng Wei, Liu Lianmei, Zhang Shu, Yang Xuodong, Hu Jiyong, et al. Robust rope supercapacitor constructed by programmed graphene composite fibers with high and stable performance, Carbon, 2019, 146: 329-336
[32]周淑雯, 权颖楠, 辛敏杰, 李佳琳, 胡吉永*, 杨旭东. 包覆度对包覆纱应变传感器基本传感性能的影响,上海纺织科技,2018,46(12):33-38
[33]Hu Jiyong*, Gu Yuanyuan, Zhang Hele, Zhu Yinda, Yang Xudong. Effect of electrode material on piezoelectric output of PVDF sensor with electrospinning, Advanced Materials Letters, 2018,9(5) 363-368
[34]Lan Chuntao, Li Chenglong, Hu Jiyong, Yang Shuguang, Qiu Yiping, Ma Ying. High-loading carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposite fabric coatings obtained by capillarity-assisted “excess assembly” for electromagnetic interference shielding, Advanced Materials Interfaces,2018, 5(13): 1800116
[35]Hu Jiyong*, Gu Yuanyuan, Zhu Yinda, Effect of electrospinning parameters on piezoelectric properties of electrospun PVDF nanofibrous mats under cyclic compression, Journal of The Textile Institute, 2018, 109(7): 843-850
[36]Li Tingxiao, Ding Xin, Tian Lingling, Hu Jiyong, Yang Xudong. The control of beads diameter of bead-on-string electrospun nanofibers and the corresponding release behaviors of embedded drugs. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Materials for Biological Applications, 2017, 74: 471-477
[37]Hu Jiyong*, Jiang Hongyan, Tu Huating, Bai Huan, Hong Hong, Zhang Yaya, Yang Xudong. Influence of woven fabric specification and yarn constitutions on the dielectric properties at ultrahigh frequency, Material Research Express, 2017, 4(11): 116308
[38]Hu Jiyong*, Zhu Yingda, Zhang Hele, Gu Yuanyuan, Yang Xudong. Mixed effect of main electrospinning parameters on the β-phase crystallinity of electrospun PVDF nanofibers, Smart Materials and Structures, 2017, 26(8): 085019
[39]史俊辉,周淑雯,张和乐,朱飞,李国豪,胡吉永*等,应变速度对聚吡咯导电机织物传感响应的影响, 上海纺织科技, 2017, 46(6): 8-12
[40]Yang Xudong*, Jiang Xiuting, Hu Jiyong*, Wang Fangjun, Hu Chun. Relationship between physical and mechanical properties of accelerated weathering and outdoor weathering of PVC-coated membrane material under tensile stress, Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2017, 47(2): 197-210
[41]Hu Jiyong*, Zhou Shuwen, Shi Junhui, Zhang Hele, Zhu Fei, Yang Xudong. Determinants of electrical resistance change of in-situ PPy-polymerized stretch plain woven fabric under uniaxial tensile strain, The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2017, 108(9): 1545-1551
[42]Zhu Fei, Hu Jiyong*, Zhang Hele, Shi Junhui, Yang Xudong. Breathing measurement on the basis of contact resistance of cross-overlapping conductive yarns, Fibers and Polymers, 2017, 18(2): 369-375
[43]Gu Yuanyuan, Zhu Yingda, Hu Jiyong*, Xiong Qiaoye. Effect of packaging material on piezoelectric response of sensor with electrospinning PVDF nanofiber web, Journal of Donghua University (Eng Eds),2017, 34(1): 95-98
[44]Hu Jiyong*, Li Guohao, Shi Junhui, Yang Xudong, Ding Xin. Improving the electromagnetic shielding of Nickel/Polyaniline coated PTT knitted fabric by optimizing the electroless plating conditions, Textile Research Journal, 2017, 87(8): 902–912
[1] 胡吉永,张天芸,杨旭东,郎晨宏. 纺织敏感材料与传感器. 中国纺织出版社,2019
[2] 俞建勇,胡吉永,李毓陵,高性能纤维制品成形技术,国防工业出版社,2017
[3] 胡吉永,纺织结构成型学2:多维成形,东华大学出版社,2016
[1]胡吉永;梁贞;黄静;方俊英;杨旭东,一种一体化自驱动全纺织手势识别数据手套, 2020.5.25, 授权(公告)号 : CN111665937B
[2]胡吉永;张勇;晏雄;杨旭东。一种法向模螺旋偶极子电子标签纱的制作方法, 授权号:CN111394854A, 2020.7.10
[4]马颜雪 ;李毓陵 ;王世娜 ;雷敏 ;胡吉永 ;一种异步多辊卷取机构及其工作方法, 201810229013.4, 2019.11.8
[6]王琼,陈频,胡吉永,周荣星,陈少伟,姜娟,甘以明,姚晓静. 羽绒服装保暖性的测试方法及装备。专利号:201510531272.9,公布日:2018.05.18
[7]胡吉永,张晓峰,周淑雯,史俊辉,杨旭东,丁辛. 一种基于织物传感器的上肢功能运动监测系统及方法,发明专利,2017年12月,ZL201510740511.1
[8]胡吉永,王姜,孙宝忠,李汉忠,杨德明,杨旭东. 一种全自动有梭剑杆织机的1×4梭箱装置,发明专利,2017年10月,ZL201610290207.6
[9]郎晨宏,胡吉永,王旋,丁辛,杨旭东. 静电纺PVDF压电纤维薄膜的压电性能测试装置及方法,发明专利,2017年2月,ZL201410440089.3
[10]李毓陵,卢兰兰,丁辛 ,胡吉永,杨旭东. 一种针肋散热器的制作装置及方法,发明专利,2017年2月,ZL 201410562718.x
[11]胡吉永,朱胤达,顾苑园,王旋,杨旭东,丁辛. 一种足底压力测试装置及带有该装置的全织物鞋垫,发明专利,2016年8月,ZL 201410513878.5
[12]雷开强,胡吉永,杨旭东, 一种吸波型高弹性电磁屏蔽织物的制备方法,发明专利,2016年5月,ZL 2014102457420
[13]章媛,姜瑞涛,胡吉永,杨旭东,丁辛. 一种材料表面质地的模拟触觉评价方法,发明专利,2015年7月,ZL201410028070.8
[14]丁辛,周云,张经纬,段亚茹,胡吉永,杨旭东. 一种用于测试心电信号的纺织电极的制备方法.发明专利, 2015年7月,ZL 201310461096.7
[15]胡吉永,赵群,胡煜洁,姜瑞涛,丁辛,李毓凌. 一种纹理触觉评价过程的模拟测量方法,发明专利,2015年4月,ZL201210460721.1
[16]岳彬彬,丁辛,胡吉永. 超级电容器用吡咯/3-(4-叔丁基苯)噻吩共聚物的制备方法,发明专利,2015年2月,ZL 201210246303.2,
[17]岳彬彬,丁辛,胡吉永. 一种超级电容器用柔性电极材料的制备方法,发明专利,2015年2月,ZL 201210246481.5
[18]胡吉永,张逸枫,朱玉,鲍可涵,杨旭东. 一种毛囊仿生织物传感器,实用新型发明专利,2014年12月,ZL 2014 2 0320188.3
[19]杨旭东,党黎娅,郭蕴仪,李汉忠,丁辛,胡吉永.一种通用型可连续回转的窄带织物电缆及织造方法,发明专利,2014年11月,ZL 201310291708.2
[20]岳彬彬,丁辛,胡吉永. 制备柔性超级电容器电极用导电聚吡咯复合织物的方法,发明专利,2014年8月,ZL201210429607.2
[2]2019年8月,全棉芯弹纱弹力面料关键技术 研发与产业化,2019年度中国纺织工业联合会科学技术进步奖,二等奖(4/10)
[4]2016年11月,大褶裥大提花机织面料喷气整体织造关键技术研究及产业化应用,中国纺织工业联合会科学技术奖 一等奖 (7/15)
[5]2015年8月,生物医用纺织材料交叉学科创新人才培养模式,2015年“纺织之光”中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等教育教学成果奖 二等奖(5/10)。
[6]2019年9月,论文“Effect of Preparation and Packaging Conditions on Performance of Fabric-based Screen-printing UHF RFID Tags”获得TBIS2019优秀论文奖
[7]2018年8月,论文“Influence of boxing conditions on reading performance of fabric-based UHF RFID tags on garments”获得TBIS2018优秀论文奖
[11]2017年6月,东华大学优秀硕士学位论文指导老师,硕士生 张晓峰
2020.4 至今 Frontiers in Computer Science - Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing,Reviewer editor
2020.7 至今 BMC Biomedical Engineering,Associated editor
2021.8 至今 World Journal of Textile Engineering and Technology,编委
东华大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)、Textile Research Journal、Material Research Express、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等国内外期刊审稿人
2007年6月~2008年12月 在法国国立高等纺织工程学院进行短期学术交流
2008年12月~2010年7月 在香港理工大学纤维生物工程实验室进行中港项目合作研究,