教育背景 |
2007.9-2011.6:中国地质大学(武汉),学士 2011.9-2016.7:中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所,博士 |
工作经历 |
2016.10-2018.4:美国德州农工大学,博士后 2018.10-至今:澳门线上赌场 ,特聘研究员 |
研究方向 |
柔性热电织物 二维热电材料 纤维传感器件 可拉伸电子器件 智能纺织品 电催化 |
科研项目 |
东华大学高层次人才项目专项资金,基于能源转换和存储技术的智能织物,2018.10-2021.09,150万元,在研,主持 |
代表论文 |
1. L. M. Wang, Z. M. Zhang, Y. C. Liu, B. R. Wang, L. Fang, J. J. Qiu, K. Zhang, S. R. Wang, Exceptional thermoelectric properties of flexible organic-inorganic hybrids with nanodispersed and periodic nanophase,Nature Communications2018, 9, 3817. 2. L. M. Wang, Z. M. Zhang, L. X. Geng, T. Y. Yuan, Y. C. Liu, J. C. Guo, L. Fang, J. J. Qiu, S. R. Wang, Solution-printable fullerene/TiS2 organic/inorganic hybrids for high-performance flexible n-type thermoelectrics,Energy & Environmental Science2018, 11, 1307. 3. J. K. Chen#, L. M. Wang#, D. D. Ren, Y. H. Chu, Y. Wu, K. K. Meng, J. Miao, X. G. Xu, Y. Jiang,<a href=#, L. M. Wang#, X. Li, Y. C. Liu, Z. M. Zhang, E. Hedrick, S. Safe, S. R. Wang, <a href=#, L. M. Wang#, X. C. Gui, D. D. Ren, Y. H. Chu, Y. Wu, K. K. Meng, J. Miao, X. G. Xu, Y. Jiang,<a href=#, L. M. Wang#, X. C. Gui, Z. Q. Lin, X. Y. Ke, F. Hao, Y. L. Li, Y. Jiang, Y. Wu, X. Shi, L. D. Chen, Strong anisotropy in thermoelectric properties of CNT/PANI composites, Carbon2017, 114, 1. 4. L. M. Wang, Q. Yao, S. Y. Qu, L. D. Chen, Influence of electronic type of SWNTs on the thermoelectric properties of SWNTs/PANI composite films, Organic Electronics2016, 39, 146. 7. L. M. Wang, Q. Yao, J. X. Xiao, K. Y. Zeng, S. Y. Qu, W. Shi, Q. Wang, L. D. Chen, Engineered molecular chain ordering in SWNTs/PANI composite films for high-performance organic thermoelectric materials,Chemistry-An Asian Journal2016, 11, 1804. 8. L. M. Wang, Q. Yao, J. X. Xiao, K. Y. Zeng, W. Shi, S. Y. Qu, L. D. Chen, Enhanced thermoelectric properties of polyaniline nanofilms induced by self-assembled supramolecules,Chemistry-An Asian Journal2016, 11, 1955. 9. L. M. Wang, Q. Yao, H. Bi, F. Q. Huang, Q. Wang, L. D. Chen, PANI/graphene nanocomposite films with high thermoelectric properties by enhanced molecular ordering,Journal of Materials Chemistry A2015, 3, 7086. 10. L. M. Wang, Q. Yao, H. Bi, F. Q. Huang, Q. Wang, L. D. Chen, Large thermoelectric power factor in polyaniline/graphene nanocomposite films prepared by solution-assistant dispersing method,Journal of Materials Chemistry A2014, 2, 11107. |
社会任职 |
中国化学会会员,中国材料研究学会热电分会会员 担任Adv. Funct. Mater., J. Mater. Chem. A, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Carbon, J. Mater. Chem. C, Composites Science and Technology, Composites Part. B等期刊审稿人 |
国际交流 |
与美国Texas A&M University, UC Reverside, Northwestern University, 新加坡国立大学等高校相关课题组建立了良好的合作关系 |