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  • 主要经历


    1999.9-2002.12 东华大学 纺织材料与纺织品设计 工学博士

    1996.9-1999.7 青岛大学 纺织工程 工学硕士

    1992.9-1996.7 青岛大学 纺织工程 工学本科


    2005.1-2005.8 澳门线上赌场 讲师

    2005.9-2010.8 澳门线上赌场 副教授

    2009.8-2010.8 多伦多大学土木工程学院 访问学者

    2010.9-至今 澳门线上赌场 教授

  • 教学内容



     a.纺织材料结构、性能与成形;b.产业用纺织材料结构、性能与应用;c. 纺织品设计原理与应用技术。


     a. 纺织复合材料制造技术。


    1. 纺织材料学
    2. 综合训练I
    3. 综合训练II

  • 研究成果


    1. 国家重点研发计划项目” 运动健康随身连续监控技术及织造型产品研发”(2018YFC2000900),主持,2018.12-2022.12,3035万


    1. Jianhua Zhu, Qian Zhang, Heping Chen, Ruiyun Zhang, Lifang Liu*, Jianyong Yu*. Construction of Setaria Viridis-inspired Electrode with Polyaniline Nanofibers Aligned on Heteroatom-decorated Porous Carbon Nanofibers for Flexible Supercapacitors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(39):43634–43645.

    2. Shuai Jiang; Meiling Zhang; Wei Jiang; Qiuyu Xu; Jianyong Yu; Liying Liu; lifang liu. Multiscale nanocelluloses hybrid aerogels for thermal insulation: the study on mechanical and thermal properties.  Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 247: 116701.

    3. Shuai Jiang, Meiling Zhang, Mengmeng Li, Liu Liu, Lifang Liu*, Jianyong Yu. Cellulose nanofibril (CNF) based aerogels prepared by a facile process and the investigation of thermal insulation performance [J]. cellulose,2020,27: 6217-6233

    4. Farooq Amjad, Mohammed Kayes Patoary, Meiling Zhang, Hassan Mussana, Mengmeng Li, Muhammad Awais Naeem, Muhammad Mushtaq, Aamir Farooq, Lifang Liu*. Cellulose from sources to nanocellulose and an overview of synthesis and properties of nanocellulose/zinc oxide nanocomposite materials. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 154: 1050-1073.

    5. Hui Liu, Lifang Liu**, Jianyong Yu, Xia Yin*, Bin Ding. High-efficiency and super-breathable air filters based on biomimetic ultrathin nanofiber networks. Composites Communications, 2020,22: 100493.

    6. Jing Zhao, Xianfeng Wang*, Lifang Liu*, Jianyong Yu, and Bin Ding, “Human Skin-Like, Robust Waterproof, and Highly Breathable Fibrous Membranes with Short Perfluorobutyl Chains for Eco-Friendly Protective Textiles”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10, 30887-30894.

    7. Hassan Mussana, Xue Yang, Mengistu Tessima, Fuyi Han, Nousheen Iqbal, Lifang Liu*. Preparation of lignocellulose aerogels from cotton stalks in the ionic liquidbased co-solvent system. Industrial Crops and Products, 2018, 113:225-233.

    8. Yang Xue, Mussana Hassan, Tessema Mengistu, Zhao Yanjiao, Liu Lifang*. Characteristics of cotton fabric modified with chitosan/cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) nanocomposites. Materials Letters, 2018, 211:300–303.

    9. Yang Xue, Han Fuyi, Xu Chunxia, Jiang Shuai, Huang Liqian, Liu Lifang*, Xia Zhaopeng. Effects of preparation methods on the morphology and properties of nanocellulose (NC) extracted from corn husk. Industrial Crops and Products, 2017, 109(15): 241-247.

    10. Yang Xue, Liu Hui, Han Fuyi, Liu LiFang*. Fabrication of cellulose nanocrystal from Carex meyeriana Kunth and its application in the adsorption of methylene blue. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2017,175:464-472.


    1. 一种混纺纱线的生产方法,ZL 201710113696.2

    2. 一种棉织物抗紫外线生态整理方法,ZL 201610806921.6

    3. 一种植物纤维素纳米晶须的提取方法,ZL 201610031569.3

    4. 一种从玉米苞叶中提取纤维素纳米晶须的方法,ZL 201510171351.3

    5. 一种棉秆皮纤维素纳米晶须的制备方法,ZL 201510172664.0



  • 获奖荣誉


    1. 2016年民建上海市优秀会员

    2. 2017年中国纺织青年科技奖

    3. 2018年项目“高强智能集成化纤维复合土工材料研发及应用” 获中国产学研合作创新成果奖二等奖

    4. 2019年项目“严寒环境轻质保暖透汽关键技术及防护服装研发”获纺织行业军民两用技术优秀创新成果奖

  • 其他信息


    1. 公共安全科学技术学会人员安全专业工作委员会副主任

    2. 江苏省苏北发展特聘专家

    3. 广东省韶关市企业创新创业发展专家

    4. 民建上海市委科教委员会委员  




