2022.11-至今,澳门线上赌场 ,特聘研究员
1. 嵌段共聚物液体分离膜的构筑及其性能研究
2. 限域催化膜的结构设计与性能调控
3. 基于功能纤维膜/纺织品的水环境治理
迄今发表SCI论文近30篇,其中以一作身份在Chem. Soc. Rev.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Chem. Sci.、Macromolecules、J. Membr. Sci.、Small等国际学术期刊发表SCI论文16篇,合著英文书籍1部。曾作为核心骨干参与欧洲研究理事会(ERC)跨步基金(191.8万欧元)等重大项目,多次受邀参加国内外学术会议并作口头报告。近5年一作代表性论文如下(*通讯作者):
1.L. Guo,* K. Ntetsikas, G. Zapsas, R. Thankamony, Z. Lai, N. Hadjichristidis.* Highly efficient production of nanoporous block copolymers with arbitrary structural characteristics for advanced membranes, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023, 62, e202212400.
2.L. Guo,* Y. Wang,* M. Steinhart.* Porous block copolymer separation membranes for 21st century sanitation and hygiene, Chemical Society Reviews, 2021, 50, 6333-6348.
3.L. Guo,* J. Klein, J. Thien, M. Philippi, M. Haase, J. Wollschläger, M. Steinhart.* Phenolic resin dual-use stamps for capillary stamping and decal transfer printing, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 49567-49579.
4.L. Guo,* M. Steinhart, Y. Yang, L. Zhu. Tailored pore gradient in phenolic membranes for adjustable permselectivity by leveraging different poloxamers, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 242, 116818-116826.
5.L. Guo, Y. Yang, F. Xu, Q. Lan, M. Wei, Y. Wang.* Design of gradient nanopores in phenolics for ultrafast water permeation, Chemical Science, 2019, 10, 2093-2100.
6.L. Guo, Y. Yang, Y. Wang.* Single-step coating of polyethylenimine on gradient nanoporous phenolics for tight membranes with ultrahigh permeance, Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 587, 117112-117118.
7.L. Guo,* M. Philippi, M Steinhart.* Substrate patterning using regular macroporous block copolymer monoliths as sacrificial templates and as capillary microstamps, Small, 2018, 14, 1801452-1801458.
8.L. Guo, X. Wang, Y. Wang.* Facile synthesis of bimodal nanoporous carbons by templating selective swelling-induced mesoporous block copolymers, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 313, 1295-1301.
9.L. Guo, Y. Wang.* Retarded evaporation-induced synthesis of lamellar block copolymer supramolecules for solvatochromic sensing, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 277, 172-178.
10.L. Guo, Z. Wang, Y. Wang.* Perpendicular alignment and selective swelling-induced generation of homopores of polystyrene-b-poly(2-vinylpyridine)-b-poly(ethylene oxide) triblock terpolymer, Macromolecules, 2018, 51, 6248-6256.
1.L. Guo, Z. Wang, Y. Wang.* Selective swelling of block copolymers for porous nanostructures. In World Scientific Reference of Hybrid Materials, World Scientific, 2019, pp 45-117.
1、江苏省协同创新中心“国际交流之星 Super Star”
2、International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies(新加坡)最佳口头报告奖
1. 中国纺织工程学会高级会员,中国化学会会员,Membranes客座编辑