

1.国家自然科学基金青年基金 “高性能改性木质素/聚合物凝胶纺纤维的构筑及其机械增强机理研究”(项目号51903033),主持,2020.01-2022.12
2.上海市扬帆计划 “改性天然高分子/聚合物高性能复合纤维的制备极其性能调控机理” (项目号19S10102),主持,2019.05-2022.04
3.上海市晨光计划 “纺织非遗宋锦提花面料功能性的创新与研究”(项目号20S10105),主持,2020.01-2022.12

1.Lin, J., Cheng, Y., Li, Z., Zheng, Y., Xu, B., Lu, C.* Synthesis of Modified Lignin as an Antiplasticizer for Strengthening Poly(vinyl alcohol)–Lignin Interactions toward Quality Gel-Spun Fibers, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2022, 4, 1595-1607.
2.Jin, Y., Jing, Y., Hu, W., Lin, J., Cheng, Y., Yang, X., Zhang, K., Lu, C.* Regulation mechanism of graphene oxide on the structure and mechanical properties of bio-based gel-spun lignin/poly (vinyl alcohol) fibers, Cellulose, 2021, 28, 4745-4760.
3.Hu, W., Xiang, R., Zhang, K., Xu, Q., Liu, Y., Jing, Y., Zhang, J., Hu, X., Zheng, Y., Jin, Y., Yang, X., Lu, C.* Electrochemical Performance of coaxially Wet-Spun Hierarchically Porous Lignin-Based Carbon/Graphene Fiber Electrodes for Flexible Supercapacitors. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2021, 4, 9077-9089.
4.Jin, Y., Hu, W., Cheng, Y., Lin, J., Yang, X., Jing, Y., Zhang, K., Lu, C.* Effect of Processing Parameters on Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Hollow Gel-spun Lignin/Graphene Oxide/Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Fibers, Journal of Donghua University (Eng. Ed) 2021, 38(1),14-21.
5.Jin, Y., Lin, J., Cheng, Y., Lu, C.* Lignin-based high-performance fibers by textile spinning techniques. Materials, 2021, 14, 3378.
6.Hu, W., Xiang, R., Lin, J., Cheng, Y., Lu, C.* Lignocellulosic biomass-derived carbon electrodes for flexible supercapacitors: An overview. Materials, 2021, 14, 4571.
7.Lu, C., Meng, J., Zhang, J., Chen, X., Du, M., Chen, Y., Hou, C., Wang, J., Ju, A., Wang, X., Qiu, Y., Wang, S., Zhang, K. Three-dimensional hierarchically porous graphene fiber shaped supercapacitors with high specific capacitance and rate capability. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11 (28), 25205-25217.
8.Lu, C., Blackwell, C., Ren, Q.; Ford, E. Effect of the Coagulation Bath on the Structure and   Mechanical Properties of Gel-Spun Lignin/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Fibers. ACS Sustain. Chem.  Eng. 2017, 5 (4), 2949-2959.
9.Lu, C., Rawat, P., Louder, N., & Ford, E.   Properties and Structural Anisotropy of Gel-Spun Lignin/Poly(vinyl   Alcohol) Fibers Due to Gel Aging. ACS Sustain. Chem.  Eng. 2018, 6 (1), 679-689.
10.Lu, C., Ford, E. Anti-Plasticizing Behaviors   of Glucarate and Lignin Biobased Derivatives on the Properties of Gel-Spun   Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Fibers. Macromol. Mater. Eng.  2018, 303, 175003.

1. Ford, E., Lu, C., Blackwell, C. Additive   for Fiber Strengthening. PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US8/026495. Publication Date: 11.10.2018.
2. Ford, E., Blackwell, C., Lu, C. Coagulation   Map for Fiber Spinning. US Patent No. 10633700 B2. Apr. 28, 2020.
3.房晓萌, 邱夷平, 章倩, 陆春红, 邱莹丹, 王颖, 周琬婷, 章悦庭, 一种短纤纱织物增强热塑性塑料复合材料的生产方法, CN102092136A, 授权公告日:2011.06.05
4.章倩, 邱夷平, 房晓萌, 陆春红, 姚一舟, 李凌晨, 章悦庭, 一种三维正交机织麻织物增强聚丙烯复合材料, CN101994259B, 授权公告日:2012.07.04
5.章倩,邱夷平, 房晓萌, 陆春红, 姚一舟, 李凌晨, 章悦庭,   一种三维正交机织麻织物增强聚丙烯复合材料,   CN101994259A, 授权公告日:2011.03.30
6.纪峰, 邱夷平, 曹聪, 马越跃, 张南山, 王思涵, 姚彤, 魏晓强, 王岩, 陆春红, 周琬婷, 姚澜, 王春霞, 梁志勇, 一种织物悬垂性能测试装置及其方法, CN101907575, 授权公告日:2010.12.08

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